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Six men charged with plot to kill US soldiers in NJ

gunman.jpgSix men were planning to attack the Fort Dix Army base and “kill as many soldiers as possible,” federal authorities said today. The men, were arrested early today. Five of them lived in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. The men would appear in U.S. District Court in Camden later today to face charges of conspiracy to kill U.S. servicemen. (The arrests were first reported by WNBC-TV)

5 Responses

  1. This is serious stuff under our noses.
    How many people are hiring illegal immigrants who are Muslim sympathizers, and just waiting to explode? (literally) 2 of these nut jobs were cashiers at Shoprite and 7/11, they become fundamentalist Islam bombers very easily and blood is their game.

  2. Some people are very slow to wake up. Considering that America’s first home grown Islamic terrorists were here 30 years ago, you would think that some one would get the message. The only ones who remeber the El Rukns Islamic terrorist/street gang are their victims and those that prosecuted them, including sentencing Jesse Jackson’s Y”SH half brother to a few life sentences. Drug dealing blowing up planes meeting with Ghaddafi, all in the name Islam. Google El Rukns or check the NY Times archive. Like Shlomo Ha melech said ayn chodosh tachas hashemesh, it’s all old news.

  3. When are we going to get serious about immigration in this country? Let’s seal the borders and repeal the Kennedy Immigration Act of 1965 when the present quotas were put in place favoring third world countries such as the Arabs.

  4. Regarding the illegals the big problem is that a lot of frum business’s hire them because they are cheap labor which in turn gives them a bigger profit. It’s the same reason why Microsoft has out sourced their customer service to India. The problem is that now they can’t afford to hire “legal people” because then it will cost them more and they will have to raise their prices. I am against the hire of illegals but at the same time I can understand why people do it.

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