France: New President to support Israel

sarkozy.jpgAccording to the JTA, Olmert’s office said that he had spoken with Nicolas Sarkozy to congratulate him on his succession of French President Jacques Chirac. The statement added that the conservative Sarkozy  “thanked Prime Minister Olmert and said: ‘I am a friend of Israel and Israel can always rely on my friendship”. (It has also been reported that his grandfather was a Jew.)

4 Responses

  1. Time will tell, what the outcome of the election will be.
    Do hope that achenu that live in France will have an easier time with their Muslim neighbors.

  2. of course he said that. he was speaking to the prime minister of Israel!
    what do you think he would have said if he was speaking to hamas?

  3. France has always been notorious for their anti-semetic views. Many times a diplomat will “claim” his “support” for Israel and not follow-up, case in point, Victor Yuschencko in Ukraine. Opportunistic for the moment only. There will be no change in France’s attitude towards Israel at all.

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