Tehillim needed for Rav Avrohom Golombeck

tehillim1.jpgPlease say Tehillim for Rav Avrohom Golombeck Shlita, Mashgiach in Philadelphia Yeshiva; who is undergoing emergency surgery this [Monday] evening. His name is Avrohom ben Choshka. (Click on image to ENLARGE a Kapittal Tehillim)

6 Responses

  1. B”H thanx to all the Tehillim the doctors were able to successfully operate and while he still needs our tefillos he is not in imminent danger.

  2. We thank everyone for their Tefilot. While the we saw the yad Hashem last night Rav Avraham still needs everyones Tefilot and Rachamim from Shamayim.

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