NYC: NK going strong at Salute to Israel Parade

Mayor Bloomberg joined his Jerusalem counterpart, Uri Lupolianski, to lead thousands of marchers along Fifth Avenue yesterday at the annual Salute to Israel parade. 

The mayor ignored 100 or so demonstrators who brandished placards protesting what they said is Jewish occupation of Palestinian lands.

Joining the protesters was Yisroel Dovid Weiss, the controversial Rockland County rabbi who recently attended a conference of Holocaust deniers in Iran.

“It’s godless, the concept of Zionism,” said Weiss.

Pro-Israeli demonstrators who weren’t marching hurled insults at Weiss. Yuram Navi said, “Hasidics are here with the Palestinians. They all have an interest to destroy Israel. All of the terrorists are united.”


25 Responses

  1. “Hasidics are here with the Palestinians.” That is a rather bold statement, ki not all charedi are NK. Weiss is a stain on Yiddishkite

  2. “Hasidics are here with the Palestinians. They all have an interest to destroy Israel. All of the terrorists are united.”

    Its very primitive to lump all chassidim with the NK, its typical Zionist mentality. Just because many of us agree that the State is flawed does not mean we want to destroy it. Thats the NK ‘s goal. WE try to do our best to honour our Hashkofohs, inspite of the problems.

  3. “controvertial Rabbi”?????????? What’s controvertial about him? He’s a bored, self hating person who happens to have a jewish mother. And this Yuram Navi obviously has his own agenda with “Hasidics”- Yuram Navi , You are no Navi – These people are Hasidics the same way they are NK and the same way they are frum- THEY ARE MERELY JEWS GONE ASTRAY> is that to HARD to comprehend? Augggh- Am i being toooo harsh? I apologize in advance to all you sensitive people who feel that of course these animals are considered “Frum”- they just have a “different” point of view. DO Not generalize all HASSIDICS. Trust me , I am no chassid – however this Navi sheker’s accusations are pointed to the wrong people.

  4. I love how the zionists oppose freedom of speech. They think America is like Israel where the zionists police can beat the religious anti-zionists.

  5. Qodush –

    I re-read the article 3x to be sure I didn’t miss anything, but where did you see that the “Zionists” are trying to limit free speech?

    You can agree with the Medina, disagree with it, live there, live here, wear black clothes or green clothes, but what exactly was your point?

  6. This is the insidious danger of NK: it leads to misinterpretation and sterotyping by the general public. All chassidus is lumped together with NK, simply because of the latter’s appearance. The general public has no concept of “al tistakel bekankan…”

  7. LOL – Qodush, good one.

    The article is a very sad one.

    To call NK “terrorists” is a bit extreme, even though they make public shows of kissing rotzchim. Also, they do not speak for “Hasidics” as this seemingly clueless Israeli believes, which serves to illustrate a small portion of the mess that is Israel.

    Generally, every (non-MO/Zionist) school child knows that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, though they do not know just how antithetical Zionism is to Judaism.

  8. Qodush,

    Would you prefer the Mayor ‘snub’ Lupolianski rather than Yisroel Dovid Weiss and his cronies?

  9. Let’s get this straight for the last time: These people aren’t NK. R’ Amram Blau was a true NK, and a Tzadik. These clows in Jewish garb are Chaiv Misa M’Deraissah, and should be stoned next time they are seen in public. The true NK didn’t take money from terrorists like Arafat and the Iranian Hitler. I wish these Jokers would drop dead, and restore a good name to true anti-Zionism.

  10. It seems that anytime NK is mentioned everyone comes out of the woodwork with the same tired old comments- JUST LET IT DIE once and for allways!

  11. Qodush,

    Explain to me how your generalizing about Zionists based on one idiot quoted in the Post is any more fair than generalizing about “Hasidics” based on Yisroel Dovid Weiss?

  12. The Israeli or Zionist police should go after the NK with their full firepower, rather than going after the religious anti-Zionists. There are two distinct groups. The NK are not religious. There is nothing in my Torah which would consider these bums to be Jews, much less g-d fearing Jews.

    Stick these self-hating jews in AUschwitz and leave them there with no food, clothing, electricity for 4 years, corresponding to the years 1941-1945. These, rather than those who died al kiddush hashem, should suffer at Auschwitz.

  13. Great weather yesterday on 5th avenue.
    Terrific crowd of people cheering on for the Jewish State, so many youth who were turned on to Torah through trips, missions, aish, ohr sameach, volunteering in Eretz Yisroel, it has been the catalyst “to return to their Jewish roots”.

  14. I was there.

    There was about a hundred NYPD officers guarding the protesters.

    What a waste of manpower

  15. Look at the venom spewed by the zionist Yuram Navi. The hatred for his fellow Jew by defaming all Chasidim. Calling Chasidim terrorists, instead of focusing at the lunatics in the so-called nk.

    Like a previous commentator said, the real anti-zionists and the real nk have nothing to do with these lunatics. It is one thing to commendably protest the zionist day parade, but it is quite another to kiss up to Jew haters.

  16. SHAZAM.

    The only thing you CANNOT blame on the NK is the ignorance others have in generalizing them with the rest of us. These clowns will continue advertising their bogus propaganda but the its up to the rest of us to be intelligent enough to differentiate between them and others.


    Just curious to know what impressed you about Qodush’s post……he says;

    ‘They think America is like Israel where the zionists police can beat the religious anti-zionists. ‘

    Who said ‘they think’, who ‘beat’ and where does it indicate that they oppose freedom of speech???

    Please fill me on;)))))))

  17. ‘Let’s get this straight for the last time: These people aren’t NK. R’ Amram Blau was a true NK, and a Tzadik. These clows in Jewish garb are Chaiv Misa M’Deraissah, and should be stoned next time they are seen in public. The true NK didn’t take money from terrorists like Arafat and the Iranian Hitler. I wish these Jokers would drop dead, and restore a good name to true anti-Zionism. ‘


    Aside from you, I havent heard any authorititive TRUE ANTI ZIONIST criticize them or exclude them as members of theNK…. why doesnt some “Amram Blau follower” publically denounce them????

  18. AC – Get your head out of the sand. Rav Blau’s talmidim have denounced these lunatics LONG ago. Your not being aware of that, doesn’t make it not so.

    And start concerning yourself with the attitude of that zionist quoted in the story above who, since he doesn’t like people excersizing their freedom of speech protesting zionism, defamed Chasidim.

  19. Joseph
    I am not defending that zionist. He indeed did categorize all chassidim with the NK and wrongly so. However there is not indication that he tried to stop him from speaking his mind. He was just disgusted at their position as we all are! You should be too.

    Your first point? yw and others refer to them as the NK, I am just going with the flow! point your criticism towards journalism, not readership!!!

  20. AC – After the war the German people defened themselves that ”they were just going with the flow” when supporting the evil. Its no defense when attacking HaRav Amrom Blau ZTV’L that your just going with the flow.

    Your not having heard his talmidim atack these lunatics is no defense. You should not be criticizing him or his talmidim.

    Note, I’m not comparing you to the Germans; I am using that for that for the analogy.

  21. Joseph says;’Note, I’m not comparing you to the Germans; I am using that for that for the analogy.’

    Yashar Koach! But its still a poor analogy.The world was against the GERMANS EVEN when they said ‘they were going with the flow’, The fact is that in THIS case, most everyone affiliates these PEOPLE with the NK,,,,are they ALL MISINFORMED,,,,??? everyone? YW INCLUDED,,??? And if thats the case why dont you campaign agiainst those Journalists and public speakers who are misleading, instead of debating the ‘lay men’ who comment on this site??

  22. AC – I am talking about your attack on the talmidim of Harav Amrom Blau ZTV’L.

    Your not being aware his talmidim denounced these lunatics, is no reason for you to attack his talmidim by saying “why doesnt some “Amram Blau follower” publically denounce them????”

  23. YURAM NAVI. where are you?
    Don’t you all know its a made up name, and since we determined he’s a Zionist, I think he is probably male, 30ish, 6ft tall, blue eyed, poloshirt wearing, and slurping an ice cream cone while taking digital photos.

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