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North Miami Beach: Lag BaOmer fire

nmblb.jpgThis picture was taken last evening at the Lag Baomer fire at the North Miami Beach Kollel. The Kollel would like to publicly thank Commissioner Heyman & the North Miami Beach Shmira Patrol for arranging the festivities.

5 Responses

  1. kishke – I was at the Monsey bonfire last night. The dancers consisted of Litvish / Chassidic / Modern i.e. all walks of Jewish life (the way it should be) including one of the many Jewish firefighters (in full gear) from the Monsey fire department. It was beautiful event to participate in.

  2. We’ve managed pretty well here in America for years without this beautiful event. Perhaps the Monsey fire was fine, but to me it seems like just another excuse for “hoililus” and wild behavior. Not to mention the many serious injuries that have occurred over the years at Lag B’Omer fires in EY. Not every fire has firemen there. But regardless, I’m tired of these pointless, “segulah-type” minhagim that people are so prone to gravitate toward in our impoverished time.

  3. This is another example of “chadoshim mikorov ba’u” that unfortunately is pervasive in the frum world these days. Take a look, for example, at the Aruch Hashulchan on “Devarim HaNohagim Bimei HaSefirah” (towards the end of Hilchos Pesach) and he clearly states that these Lag Ba’Omer festivities are a minhag IN ERETZ YISROEL. I am aware of no basis for making bonfires here in Chul, and the physical and spiritual risks associated therewith should give us pause before instituting something that was never done by our parents and grandparents.

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