Jimmy Carter…..just acting himself

carter joke.jpgFormer President Jimmy Carter urged students at a Southern California university that have a history of strained relations between Jewish and Islamic groups to set differences aside and work together to find solutions. “I’d like to see the leaders form a combined group and take my invitation to go to Palestine and see what’s going on for yourselves,” Carter told a crowd of about 3,300 students and faculty at University of California, Irvine on Thursday.

“If you take me up on it, I’ll raise the money to pay for your trip,” he said.
The hour-long talk included discussion of the 82-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner’s book, “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” which has been criticized by some as being slanted against Israel. Carter reiterated his belief that Palestinians “are being persecuted horribly.”

Carter said pro-Israel lobbyists have stifled debate in the U.S. about the Israeli-Palestinian situation and urged students to get involved.

“There’s political fear in Congress and among U.S. presidential candidates to speak out on a balanced position with anything that relates to Israel. But college students can play a crucial role in this debate,” he said. “You have nothing to lose.”


5 Responses

  1. True, there is no such country as Palestine, but with Israel’s creation and recognition of the Palestinian Authority, and its further relinquishment of its sovereignty to those Arabs, a “Palestine” is de facto, if not de jure, a reality.

    While Carter may have less than genuine motives, nonetheless, Israel is far from the innocent victim that its romantic version of its history makes itself out to be.

  2. Its hysterical that he piced UC Irvine to speak- I have had several students who have been assaulted by arab students there and its considered one of the most pro-arab campuses in the country. This guy should just shut up already and retire- its amazing how much of his information is innacurate.

  3. peanut carter tops the list as worst sitting President and worst past President. they always tried to tell us his brother was the villiage idiot – now we see that the peanut shared the title with his brother.

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