As YW reported HERE & HERE, representatives of local religious communities voiced their concerns over proposed amendments to the city Health Code that would have, for the first time, subject their pre-school programs to a broad assortment of regulations. On Thursday morning a historic meeting was held at the offices of the New York City Health Commissioner with representatives of the parochial school community. Heading the delegation was Rabbi David Zwiebel of Agudath Israel of America. Rabbi David Niederman of UJO and other community activists were in attendance.聽
After hearing testimony last week, and hearing criticism from Councilman David Yasky on the severe regulatory scheme that he had proposed, the Commissioner has done an about face on his proposal and will start from scratch working with the religious groups that had opposed him.
While everyone was agreeable to legitimate health concerns regarding lead paint, asbestos and window guards the troubling provisions regarding permits, curriculum, fiscal audits, staffing and credentials are to be dropped.
Further discussions are scheduled which will I”yh produce a regulatory scheme that is workable to all the groups and furthers the cause of child safety.
Stay tuned!
9 Responses
a story from the chofatz chaim (heard from r’ a. y. solovachick)
a bocher was by the C.C. friday night chumas shiar saw a letter the C.C. wrote to the health com. of poland about radin yeshevah he wrote to them nicely that he is very on top of yeshvah being clean & orderly &that that this is very inportent to him so they have no need to check him out
‘ on the bottem he wrote in hebrew” hanogeha b’hor yu’mus kol sh’kain be’torah atzmo” (he who go on the mont. (sini) will not live ‘ & -the C.C. added – ofcourse he who steps on the thorah ) they did not whant only to check the helth in yeshevah but the C.C. saw that as toching the thorah
p.s. the polish health comm. was a goy the n.y.c. one is a yid
good luck to hem (it is the C.C.’s curse its the torah’s
Your use of english, spelling and the rules of grammer leaves much to be desired.
In addition, it shows a lack of Derech Eretz when you keep on refering to The Chofetz Chaim ZT”L a C.C.
ChanieT.- maybe its not nk’s fault? Maybe his verbiage and grammar is the result of the wonderful education he/she was given in our fine yeshiva system. Perhaps NK is use to text messaging and didn’t really mean any disrespect ot the Chofetz Chaim, ztz’l.
Perhaps, if you are really upset with NK’s language skills, you could offer to tutor NK, altz chesed.
FMML: Why the gratuitous slap at the the Yeshiva system? I suspect that a high percentage of the posters/commenters here, self included, were educated in that same system. Most of them write clearly and articulately. Granted, there are some obvious and egregious exceptions. But no greater than the general population.
Aside form the fact that NK was indeed not educated in the English language, can you think of another reason his GRAMMAR, SPELLING AND PUCTUATION SKILLS are so poor?
Unless ofcourse he is not an American!
I was educated in the Yeshiva system (and college), and I happen to have had excellent English teachers in both K-8 and High School.
On YeshivaWorld in particular, most people are quite articulate and clear in their language and grammar.
Very often, when posting online, typos slip in that one doesn’t even notice until after they have submitted their post, and, in an informal setting such as this, many do not care to be perfect (I happen to try to be as careful as possible, but there is no chiyuv to do so).
As for the quote of the Chofetz Chaim, I do not believe that it would apply here, as (there is no Chofetz Chaim equivalent, today, and) I believe that the local government has the right to enforce basic health laws, and that working with the our mosdos, lichatchila, is an excellent approach that will BE”H keep our children safe and not create undue hardships on the mosdos. It’s a win-win, IMHO.
Nameless: I agree that NK’s spelling and grammar were atrocious. My only complaint was the shtoch aimed at the Yeshiva system. Of course, we can see from the tmie of your post that you are also (at least for this weekend) not American. Either that, or you stopped at the library on the way to mincha Shabbos afternoon to fire off a comment. 馃檪
LOL! Yes I’m living in Europe currently. Very observant to notice the timing,,,,,,Y’K,,,,
first of all, about spelling, grammar, etc. having worked with college students (and of the non-jewish kind), you don’t have to be yeshiva-educated to not spell. i saw an assignment given out by an NYU professor –and wow! you think this poster is bad. and yes, i know this is grammatically incorrect, what with my missing the capitals and doing fragments sentences. that, my dear fellow posters, is part of the nature of the net.
Now for the meat of the matter. Being a person who works for an agency regulated by Dr. Frieden’s DOH, what he is proposing has nothing to do with cleanliness, nothing to do with safety, nothing to do with the welfare of the children at all. You see, what he wants is that every teacher have a degree from a college that the DOH decides is okay. They check out the transcripts of teachers, not just their diplomas — and each inspector makes their own rules as they go along. So this is about brainwashing us that we need the kind of education that the DOH decides upon in order to teach our children. The DOH has NO manual that is authoritative on what it is they require of current licensed daycare. Yes, they have an old print manual with how many square feet must be alotted per child. Check their website. They have all his “proposals” of amendments — none of actual regulations now. Which is why schools often get cited for “violations” of laws that are not listed, that Frieden and his cohorts make up and enact as they go along.
This becomes a problem religiously, both for us Jews and for Catholics. There are institutions of higher learning in both worlds. There are rabbonim and mechanchim produced by our organizations. However, DOH inspectors will then decide whether Rav Hutner’s views on parenting are acceptable to them — and, if not, pick what views on parenting our rebbeim have to take. So this DOH commissioner is doing what most anti-semites throughout ages have done — takes aim at the chinuch system (oh, and, of course, as in every generation, also Milah — next up will be Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh and Shechitah…)