Queens: Former Nazi guard dies

nazis2.jpf.jpgAccording to the Daily News, a former Nazi guard who had been fighting deportation from the USA for years has passed away. Jaroslaw Bilaniuk, 83, was accused of serving as a guard at the Trawniki slave labor camp World War II. He died of natural causes at his home in Queens while his case to revoke his citizenship was pending in a Brooklyn Federal Court.

When Bilaniuk and a fellow Trawniki guard (Jakiw Palij) emigrated to the US, they failed to disclose their wartime service. Palij, 84, has been stripped of his citizenship in 2003, but has not been evicted from the US because no country will take him.

11 Responses

  1. According to the Daily News, a former Nazi guard who had been fighting deportation from the USA for years has “passed away”.

    Passed away?… A Nazi dosn’t pass away, a nazi drops dead.

  2. Boruch dayan ‘kreplach’!
    I cant believe the gentle manner in which the article makes refernce to his desmise! I would think American journalism would be a little less sympathetic to a former Nazi.


  3. What a silly excuse: “no country will take him.” I bet Iran would have taken him. Either way, Hashem will punish him for what he did ( and in a harsher way than just kicking the nazi out of the country).

  4. Just in time for Lag B’Omer. The bonfires needed more fuel. How can anyone imagine the terror that these brutes imposed on our dear people? No punishment that man could administer would be good enough. HKB’H will take care of him.Kail nekomos Hashem….

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