London: Message to Jewish Community

london police man.jpgYou  may be aware that, over the last few days, there have been  a series of burglaries and muggings against members of the Jewish community. These do not appear to be of pure criminal nature. I would be most grateful if you would therefore send out the message below to all those on your community e-mail listing. Many thanks, Adrian Jacobs North West London Police Liaison Committee: 

Following the recent spate of incidents over the last few days, CST has been in close contact with the police and members of the local community. We know that a climate of fear has developed around this situation, but it is proving very difficult to distinguish between rumours and facts at this moment. There is a strong suggestion that these are criminal attacks, focused against Jewish people and their businesses, and we urge victims to talk to the police.

People should take particular care when entering or leaving their place of work, and their homes. If possible, vary your routes, and times of arrival and departure. If you believe that you are being watched by criminals, then make a note of faces or car registration numbers, and contact the police immediately. Obviously, homes should have doors and windows locked and alarms turned on whenever possible. Doors should not be opened to unexpected visitors and ask for identification to verify who callers are. If you possess CCTV, then check it is working, that tapes are new, and that the lens is clean.

If you do suffer from an attack then contact police immediately and try to ensure that the crime scene remains untouched.

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