Belzer Rebbe travels to Belz with 1200 Chassidim

belz cover.jpgMore than 1200 Belzer Chassidim accompanied the Belzer Rebbe Shlita on a historic visit to the Belzer Shtetel in the Ukraine. He arrived on Monday morning in Lvov (Lemberg) and traveled to Belz (approx. 90 min drive) where they were Mispallel at the Kivrei Tzadikim of the First Three Belzer Rebbe’s; (R’ Shulem ZATZAL, his Son R’ Shea ZATZAL & his Son R’ Yesochor Dov ZATZAL). This was also the first time since WWII that they were Mispallel at the first Belzer Rebbitzen Malka’s Kever – since it was just recently discovered. The Rebbe returned to Eretz Yisroel later that evening. (For additional pics click HERE – submitted by

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