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E”Y: Discount coupons distributed to Yeshiva’leit

suit rack.jpgFive thousands coupons were distributed by TaT Olom Hayeshivos to yeshiva students around Eretz Yisroel to provide yeshiva and kollel students discounts on the purchase of quality suits manufactured by Lorenzo and Lebovitz and hats made in cooperation with the Baron chain. The discounts were worth hundreds of shekels per student.

According to TaT Olom Hayeshivos Chairman Motti Ben David, the organization will also seek suitable ways to decrease wedding costs for chassonim and their families. The organization is now in the advanced stages of finding a solution and hopes to implement it in the upcoming wedding season.

TaT Olom Hayeshivos brings together the massive buying power of 250 tomchei Torah organizations at yeshivas around the country, representing thousands of students, in order to reduce the costs of purchasing various products they need during the course of the year and in preparation for holidays and weddings.

(Dei’ah veDibur)

9 Responses

  1. Are you kidding? They’ll find somewhere to eat, but how can they walk around without hats?
    Anyway according to the article they’re giving to bachurim, not their parents.

  2. The beige jacket is a sports jacket and perfect for the kollel in the warmer climates eg: Eilat, Teveria.

  3. There is a biography of R’ Meir Chadash that was put out by Feldhiem in which there are pictures of R’ Hutner from back in Europe in a white suit and white straw hat.

  4. Bemichilas kvod midwesterner- TAT stands for Tomchei Torah- every yeshivah in Eretz Yisroel has one as a means of helping poorer bochurim with clothing needs on a regular basis and for their chasunahs- a wonderful chessed institution- in fact in the yeshivah I learned in- it was what the bochurim went out raising money for on Purim.

  5. tizku lemitzvos tat,
    ribono shel olam, is it any wonder were in galus??? are we even reading what we write??

    honestlyfrum…. would you be interested in starting a tzeddaka with me to help them with food and utilities? we can do it as a YW project.

    is anyone here interested in doing a tzeddaka project together?
    how said is it if i dont get any positive responses?

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