The Journal News reports that there will be a meeting at the New Hempstead Village Hall tomorrow evening to discuss a proposed yeshiva for 750 students by the village’s Community Design Commission. According to the report, the plan is for a 71,304 square-foot building at the the corner of Grandview Avenue and Route 306. Developers for the Bais Malka School will seek variances from village codes, particularly for parking.
8 Responses
Village law requires only 5 acres for a school, this site has seven acres.
Village law requires only 100 buffer from other homes, this site has a 3.5 acres full of trees as a natural buffer.
Village law hight is 35′, due thenatural slope of the land the rear will be 52′ .
The parking required by law is due the fact that this village has not designated the parking required for an elementry & high school any diffrent than a college.
Since this is a elementry & high school where the students do not drive and the staff arrive vis shuttle service, the 53 parking spots are more than enough, this is a school that is presently in full motion and on a normal scholl day there are no more then 10-15 cars on the lot.
For any special events such as PTA a agreement is in place with 2 other schools near by for the overflow parking, and shuttled by van service.
The Bais Malak school belongs to the Belze Chasidim of Monsey & Spring Valley, headed by Rabbi Aaron Grossman.
They are in existence since 1993 in rented areas spread in three diffrent areas, some class room are in trailers.
“there is not enough land for this”
I think mtauber is pretty clear regarding the land acreage as related to village law.
Boruch Hashem for thriving Yeshivos. Let us be counted among those who encourage and support the growth of Talmidim and Talmidos.
destro613: “Also the students in that school are not from that neighborhood”
the students and their familes are very much a part of the community. should I not be allowed to send my girls to YSV b/c we live on the other side of town? should folks in Pomona and W.H. not be allowed to send their boys to YSV because it is not in their neighborhood?
mtauber: great posts! Keep posting the facts.
“Im HaShem lo yivneh bayit, shav amlu bonav bo– If G-d doesn’t build a house, its builders have toiled for naught.”…… 750 students learning torah at a busy intersection!!!! thats makes a roisham on the people of the city…. may the ribono shel oilam make the ink for the approvals dance onto the building permits for such a building.
rashi on the word vayeitzi
It had only to be written: “And Yaakov went to Charan.”2 Why, then, mention his departing? But, this tells us that the departure of a righteous person from his place makes an impression, for while a righteous person is in the city, he is its glory, he is its brilliance, he is its splendor. Once he has left there, its glory has departed, its brilliance has departed, its splendor has departed. Similarly, [this applies to the verse] “And she left the place,”3 which is written concerning Naomi and Ruth.4
this will beautify the neighborhood. this is a good thing.
somtimes it seems like people just look for things to complain about. do we not have enough problems?? we should be zoicha to attend the “even hapinah ceremony” for this project b’korov
let us build the belz girls school and after its build we will trade it with YSV.
What percent of this is wetlands? Are they going to have place where to put the buses, or are they going to grind the entire route 306 and Grandview to a halt?
Regarding the point of children going to YSV from Wesley Hills and Pomona. Let me remind you guys that Yeshiva of Spring Valley has been around for about 70 years. When they were formed there was maybe a minyan Shomer Shabbos in this town. Now, I doubt that they would purchase a property in that area, because that’s not where their students are. Why would Beldz want to come here? It doesn’t make much sense.
Is Tauber the builder?
not sure who tauber is, but I can tell by what you write, you’re no chiefrabbi!
mtauber – maybe in a few years when you reach 1500 girls…