Lakewood: Working structure fire

A fire has just broke out in Lakewood at “Yeshiva Apartments”. (9th Street & Forest Avenue). Lakewood Hatzolah is on the scene together with Lakewood Fire Department.

Update 11:10AM The fire originated in the kitchen at 925 Forest Avenue. All 30 apartments in the building were evacuated with B”H no injuries to anyone. There is just a heavy smoke condition now and all visible fire has been extinguished by the Lakewood FD.

7 Responses

  1. Lakewood first aid was also there along with the lakewood fire police directing traffic. 1 person was treated for smoke inhaltion on scene.
    A special thank you to all are lakewood vol. fire men for doing a quick and good job putting out the fire.
    A special thank u to all are hatzolah members who came to help.
    A special thank u to the fire chief bob cook.

  2. thanks to lakewood vol. FD for doing a quick & good job puting out the fire’ what? quick? 15 min. is not quick! the first responder was there fast but he is not’vol. fd’ his is payed by the lkwd twsp fire police yes they were there but they did not put out the the F.R.’er did that! L.hzvac was there in full force waiting for the vol. FD to showup for 15 everyone else! let’s hope we don’t have any more real fires becouse this is very sceary!!!!!

  3. nk:

    Stop with the lies. I am a member of Lakewood Hatzolah and was on the scene.

    Lakewood FD was on the scene withen 4 minutes.

  4. As an eye witnes I would like to report like this

    The first response by fire department was on time possibly a little slow

    As they came the lkpd pulled the hoses out and ran to put out the fire thanks to them a much bigger disaster was averted

    About ten minutes later the rest of the volunteer dept should up with all the hook and ladders

    Hatzolah was there very quick and helped in evacuation of the building

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