Rudy Giuliani campaigns in Lakewood

rudy g 2.jpgPresidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani told Ocean County Republicans Friday that if he is elected in 2008, he would work to keep the United States on the offense against terrorists, improve health care and make the country energy-independent.

Giuliani, the mayor of New York City during the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, said he understands more than any other presidential candidate that “America with regards to Islamic terrorists should never, ever, ever go back on defense. We should be on offense.

“There are people in the world who are planning to come here and kill us,” he said. “People in New Jersey know that better than some parts of the country. They have already come here.”

Giuliani, dressed in a pinstripe suit, white shirt and red and blue tie, spoke for about 45 minutes to roughly 250 people at the East Ridge Country Club in Lakewood. Attendees paid $300 each to attend the fundraiser for the Ocean County Republican Organization.

A fundraiser for Giuliani’s campaign was scheduled later in the night, according to Ocean County Republican Chairman George R. Gilmore.

Gilmore, who is also chairman of Giuliani’s New Jersey campaign, introduced Giuliani to the crowd as “our mayor of America.” Giuliani was welcomed with chants of “Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!”

Gilmore, and others, said Giuliani’s appeal transcends party lines.

“He brings in the Democrat vote, brings in the independent vote, and definitely brings in the Republican vote,” Gilmore told the crowd.

Brick Councilman Anthony Matthews said Giuliani “has the charisma” to bring political parties together.


38 Responses

  1. Halivei this guy would be prsident. Remember he had the guts to throw out Arafat y”s from his United Nations party at Lincoln Center. Everyone had major tainis on him including the state department. He also returned the 9/11 check for 10 million dollars to the Saudis after they blamed 9/11 on Israel.

  2. The promises are great pre-election, our concerns are the actions to come. He is by far the best of the crew!

  3. He’s one of the only candidates that has no shaychis to be running, especially as a lying republican. how can any frum yidden want a sleaze like rudy after what we went through with clinton? If you thought clinton was a dirty man, well then rudy is much dirtier. He ran around the city with……………EDITED………Rudy is not a republican. He is in favor of abortion, in favor of alternative lifestyle  marriage, he is in favor of gun conrtrol and he knows nothing about nothing . Just last week the millionare who gets 6 figures a speech had no clue how much we common folk pay for bread and milk…and he is going to be our representative? He proved last week tooo that he knows absolutely nothing about what is going on in Iran.
    All rudy is is a fake deity put on high by the media after 9/11. before that, his approval rating was the lowest it had ever been. he is a polarizing figure who could never get along with or work with anyone. he is a philandering, pandering boor and it is hyprociritical especially for frum jews to want this sleaze as our president.

    Edited by Site Moderation Panel

  4. Daniel Q, Are you sure she’s Jewish? If you’re basing it on her last name, it’s the surname of her previous husband. If she is jewish , than I apologize for questioning her lineage.

  5. I think YASHRUS is right. Her previous husband was Jewish. Her maiden name was Stish and she was born Roman Catholic.

  6. I doubt someone married three times will make it to the White House especialy if his third wife had a Jewish sounding last name.It is too bad because he is so much more presidential than Mcain.If John is the Republican frontrunner than its either Barak Hussien or Hillary in 2008 and that means trouble! Mcain cannot fire up the masses the way the Dems are.

  7. I personaly would vote for him but the people on the board who are already ripping the vaad ought to know that YOU can’t vote for him because his extreme liberal positions on social issues. {v’hamavin yavin!!} In any case I hope he wins, and I’m curious if Yudel contributed to his campaign, if he has a din like a republican be’alma or is his din like a liberal?

  8. Detroiter says:
    ‘I doubt someone married three times will make it to the White house,,,,,,’
    Why would a contreversial FEMALE figure such as Hllary have a better shot?
    (althoug I think she is gona win)

  9. “EDITIED”


    after all the loshon hora you allow here, you arw afraid that yidden know the truth about Rudy?

    again why would you edit something so clean? My point was it would be embarassing if she was a jew because she was oyver loy sachmoyd befarhesya

  10. Nameless
    Of course she will win! She will get all the American Arab vote.The Arabs are using the “Democratic” system to weaken America.The are trying the same shtick here that got Hamas “Voted” in Gaza. How do you think the low class Anti Semite Webb won in West Virginia.The Arabs knocked out a incubent highly talented Senator by mobilizing all Arab voters Using “taxi ” services (We all know who drives these “taxis”! He won by a small margin and 30,000 arabs voted for him.I wonder why the Arab American F.B.I doesnt pick up how they are creating a Mecca in close proximity to Washington.Dont say you werent warned if Chas Ve….

  11. Sorry to disappoint you Detroiter but I’m afraid she will get the majority of Non Religious Jewish votes and a nice portion of the modern Frum as well!

  12. Detoriter you have no fact to back up your ludicrous claims. Clinton, Like giuliani and many others are all great friends to the jewish community, despite whatever insane rantings you hear from crazy people like mike savage.

  13. …and all the heimishe / chassidish voters who are too embarassed to admit to their rabid yeshivishe bretheren that they voted for that candidate whose policies will best benefit fit them – be they for government money programs, children with special needs families or anytrhing else that makes democratic policies the way to go for the frum world.

  14. There’s no point in arguing over whether Rudy’s 3rd Wife is Jewish or not, or if her Jewish sounding name comes from her ex-husband, and this being the reason whether you vote for or against Rudy in ’08. In Lakewood you don’t vote for whom YOU want, you vote for whom the VA’AD wants.

    (Rudy for President:’09-’17)

  15. The same Heimishe , Chassidishe Jews (especially New Yorkers) might be embarassed to admit they will vote for a ‘chevra man’ like Guiliani, but because he did sucha good job cleaning up the city of New York, they will probalby cast their votes for him behind the voting booths!

  16. Oh come on! if it was clinton, youd be trashing her spouse?! whats the diff!
    she is a homewrecker, not a first lady!

  17. ok. rudy is a 3 time adulterer. we cant have him – especially not after everyone got all righteous on bill clinton.

  18. Der Yid
    I see you keep cheshbon probably better than I do but to my knowledge Bill Clinton got elected twice WITHOUT a reputation as a tzaddik either!
    Why is Rudy less worhty?

  19. To Editor: not to say that you are mistaken but i dont think there is any east ridge golf club around here and maybe you meant to say eagle ridge golf club … whatever love the website

  20. Der Yid
    ” insane claims that yoe hear from savage”
    You have no idea whether I heard this from Savage.(I didnt)Its well reported in Mich which has thousands of Arabs in Dearborn.It is a fact not a ludicrous claim.Stop ignoring reality.I would like you to find me one arab that votes republican!!

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