Is Senator Parker More Than Just Violent? NYP Exclusive Tells Us Why

(Senator Parker represents most of Flatbush & Boro Park, and was endorsed by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind over Simcha Felder.)

The following is a NYP Exclusive in Sunday’s paper:

A do-nothing Brooklyn charity created with the help of state Sen. Kevin Parker used most of the $18,750 in taxpayer funds he steered to it to hire the brother of his chief-of-staff as a “planning consultant.”

The only community program the Building Blocks Local Development Corp. managed to implement since it was created in 2004 was a part-time vegetable stand staffed by local teens at a farmers market on Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn.

Parker has been uncharacteristically mum on Building Blocks, which has no office or discernible staff and only sporadically filed IRS forms designed to provide accountability of its spending.

That didn’t stop Parker from trying to fund the organization — authorizing $75,000 in pork-barrel money in five separate member-item grants since 2004.

But the state wouldn’t draw up contracts to pay Building Blocks for three of the member items because the group never returned the necessary paperwork, said the state Department of Economic Development.

The agency did ink a $15,000 contract for a 2006 member item but did not cut any checks because Building Blocks failed to provide receipts to verify its expenses, the department said.

A department worker could not reach charity chairwoman Colette Burnett because her voice mailbox was full, according to state documents.

The only money the group received came from a $25,000 member item Parker authorized in 2005.

The grant was to help fund the vegetable stand and to pay the salary of “strategic planning consultant” Keith Carr. Carr’s sister, Glynda, served as Parker’s chief-of-staff from his election in 2002 until she resigned in 2008.

Carr received $11,500 of the $18,750 paid by the state with the rest going to the stand and unspecified expenses. Building Blocks never got the rest of the $25,000 it was due because it never requested it, the state said.

Carr did not return calls for comment.

The purpose of Building Blocks was to revitalize a section of Nostrand Avenue in Flatbush, according to paperwork submitted to the state when the group was formed in 2004.

The charity outlined numerous goals, including creating job opportunities, distributing grants, assisting local merchants and creating a marketing program “to position the neighborhood as a cultural destination.”

Forms submitted to the IRS to gain tax-exempt status for Building Blocks describe Parker as a “moving force in the creation of the organization.”

The IRS forms say the group had $9,109 at the end of 2004. But when it filed its 2004 tax return, it listed $700 in cash. The form wasn’t filed until 2007.

Parker did not respond to requests for comment.

A felony conviction would automatically cost Parker his Senate seat.


April 2010: Parker went on a nearly two minute tirade against a republican colleague, accusing him of being a racist.

April 2010: Parker accuses Albany politicians of being white supremacicsts.

June 2009: Attorney John Conway, 59, said he was on the Senate floor when Parker sought to disrupt a GOP-controlled proceeding that Democrats considered illegal.

“He said to me, ‘What are you looking at, punk? Do you know who I am and don’t you read the newspaper, punk?’” said Conway.

May 2009: Parker was indicted on assault and other charges after being accused of attacking a New York Post photographer who took his picture.

A Brooklyn grand jury handed up the indictment charging the Democratic Senator with second and third degree assault, third and fourth degree criminal mischief, third degree menacing and second degree harassment. If convicted, he faces up to seven years in prison.

2005: Parker was arrested on charges of punching a traffic agent who was writing him a ticket. The charges were dropped after Parker agreed to take an anger management class.

8 Responses

  1. “Senator Parker represents most of Flatbush & Boro Park, and was endorsed by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind over Simcha Felder”

    It would help to put things in the proper context. Assemblyman Hikind endorsed Parker at the behest of Governor Paterson and former Majority Leader Malcolm Smith. This was before Simcha Felder had even entered the race or gave any indication that he was running.

    The fact that this was even mentioned when it has nothing to do with the story being reported makes it look like YWN has some sort of agenda against Assemblyman Hikind.

  2. Who remembers the good old Yeshiva World a nice Clean Site, im wondering what happened to it ?,
    did it change management?,we have to bring out our voice load and clear,we like this site because were looking for a real kosher site, there are many so called “Hemisher” news web site around,the crowd here is looking for a lushin hora e.t.c. FREE,i think the guideline Should be that anything that wouldn’t be printed in the major Jewish news papers shouldn’t be printed here. a loyal reader who really wants to see the old good Yeshiva World back.

  3. I say get a federal D.A. to look into to this. But, he won’t be investigated by Holder’s Justice Department. Guess why?

  4. #1 AND #2 “Senator Parker represents most of Flatbush & Boro and was endorsed by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind over Simcha Felder”

    It would help to put things in the proper context. Assemblyman Hikind endorsed Parker at the behest of Governor Paterson and former Majority Leader Malcolm Smith. This was before Simcha Felder had even entered the race or gave any indication that he was running.

  5. #1 and #2 No it’s Dov Hikind who has an agenda going after mosdos and organizations that don’t support his agenda TYW keep it up.

  6. “The fact that this was even mentioned when it has nothing to do with the story being reported makes it look like YWN has some sort of agenda against Assemblyman Hikind.”

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like duck, chances are..

  7. YWN really used to provide what I needed. Evenhanded straightforward facts and the full story to the extent that they could verify. Now they don’t send more than the first three sentences and they have their agendas. I also can’t even read the rest of the article on my phone because they don’t have the link set up properly for a phone to click on it. I really hope that someone opens a site that does what they used to do if they don’t change the “change” soon. Perhaps Obama is having a hashpaa for change in the wrong way!

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