Hothead Sen. Parker Accuses Albany Pols Of Being White Supremecists

Albany, NY – In his latest off-the-wall behavior, hothead Sen. Kevin Parker Wednesday morning accused Senate Republicans – and even some Democrats – of being white supremacists.

Parker updated his Facebook status, saying he was “in Albany fighting the evil of White Supremacy!”

And Parker, who exploded in a fury during a public committee meeting Tuesday, defended his outburst during a radio interview as “par for the course of what we have to do up in Albany fighting the forces of evil.”

Asked by Daily News columnist and WWRL host Errol Louis what the forces of evil were, Parker said, “these long-term white supremacist Republican senators.”

He accused the GOP of not being able to handle losing the Senate majority and now having blacks, Latinos, women and gays running the chamber as part of the Democratic majority.

“They have a real problem with that and because of that they do things that are very very inappropriate,” Parker said.

Republicans immediately hit back, saying the Democrats need to reign in their out-of-control colleague – and threatened to launch a formal censure.

“It’s an outrageous statement and the entire Democratic conference should condemn that type of statement,” said Senate GOP boss Dean Skelos. “It has no place in government. We’ve moved beyond this.”

Sen. John DeFrancisco (R-Syracuse) initially set Parker off on Tuesday with his formal questioning of Mark O’Luck, the first black nominee to the New York Power Authority.

In discussing an affirmative action program, DeFrancisco told O’Luck someone doesn’t have to be black to walk in someone’s shoes.

Parker called the line of questioning racist, even though three of his Democratic colleagues – Ruben Diaz, committee chairman Carl Kruger, and David Valesky – said they didn’t believe DeFrancisco was out of line.

On Wednesday, Parker said he does not regret his two-minute loud fist-pounding tirade.

“I went to Albany not to make friends, I went to Albany to represent my district and to bring justice to that place,” he said.

He said issues important to minority groups don’t get addressed in the Legislature “because you have a lot of white supremacists who are sitting there, and John DeFrancisco is one of them.”

Skelos said Parker should look “within himself to see how he is embarrassing the institution.” Sen. Frank Padavan (R-Queens) said Parker, who is under felony indictment for assaulting a news photographer, “is self destructing.”

Parker didn’t stop with his attacks on Republicans.

He also charged that some of his Democratic colleagues are white supremacists, though he didn’t name names.

And he lit into Sen. Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx), who witnessed Parker’s outburst Tuesday and told the Daily News that his colleague “needs help.”

Parker labeled Diaz, who opposes same-sex marriage, a “homophobe and one of these evangelical people running around.” “He’s not really one to be quoted about somebody’s behavior,” Parker said.

Diaz merely laughed when the comments were relayed to him. “I call things as I take them,” Diaz said. “Kevin Parker has to pull his act together.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

2 Responses

  1. Well this is what you get when we don’t go out and vote we can’t put in a normal state senator becuase we orthodox Jews leave the voting up to someone else whats wrong with our community, get out and vote next time.

  2. #1: You are obviously ignorant of the fact that OUR VERY OWN DOV HIKIND endorsed Parker AGAINST NOACH DEAR in the senate race. parker then won by 909 votes!

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