DMV Might Automatically Enroll New Yorkers for Organ Donation

If lobbyists in Albany get their way, everyone with a drivers license in New York State will automatically become organ donors, unless you tell the government no way.

The New York Organ Donor Network, and medical specialists are lobbying in Albany Tuesday night.

Nearly a dozen members of the Assembly seeking reform in New York’s organ donation system joined forces Tuesday to announce the introduction of two bills that they say would tremendously improve the state’s donation network, which according to a National Donor Designation Report Card ranks last in the nation.

The two bills would work together, the first making New York the only state in the nation to adopt the model of “presumed consent.” Under the policy, physicians could remove organs from a suitable donor over the age of 18 without consulting or seeking consent from the family. The second bill would be an “opt out clause,” giving any individual the right to opt out of the presumed consent system for any reason they want. The law essentially shifts the default position from non-donation to donation.

They want the D.M.V. to automatically enroll New Yorkers in the Organ Donation Program, unless residents choose not to.

Lobbyists say there’s a growing shortage of donated organs in America, more than a hundred thousand are already on a waiting list, and only 11 percent of New Yorkers have signed up for organ donation.

Some residents are wary that if the law is passed, their organs will be taken without their permission.

But officials at the Binghamton D.M.V. say that’s not the case.

“People would have to pay attention, like they do now, and check the appropriate box if they don’t want to donate their organs. I don’t think that it’s a case of people are just going to harvest organs,” said Sharon Exley, Executive Deputy County Clerk.

(Source: Fox 40 WICZ / Times Union)

8 Responses

  1. If the opt out bill is a separate bill, from the one automatically making people donors ‘unless’ they opt out; What happens if the 2nd bill allowing people to opt out, never gets passed?

  2. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. HOW DARE THEY assume that a person and/or their family have the right to remove their organs without specific consent. What about a minor child who is a driver. Would he legally have the right to give consent? Wouldn’t that have to be his parents’ decision?

    There are many religions who will not approve of such an invasion of the body and parts of the dead? What is left to bury if the vultures will come and pick them clean?

    Our religion believes in techias hamesim, and that our bodies belong to Hashem and not to individuals who make ridiculous and invasive laws into our own personal space.

  3. This is outrageous !!! We need to fight this. You guys get a petition going. In the meantime I will try to work a different angle.

  4. @ #5 aries2756

    I wonder if you would express those sentiments if and when (chas vecholila) you, or a member of your close family, were to need a replacement body organ?

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