Firefighters, Residents To Protest FDNY Budget Cuts

City Council members Elizabeth Crowley and Ydanis Rodriguez have joined firefighters and members of Community Board 12 today to call on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to keep fire companies open, especially Engine 93 in Washington Heights.

“We will not allow it to happen,” said Rodriguez. “We rallied for a couple of days to keep our post office open and we did it. And we’ll do it for the engine company.”

Rodriguez says the engine company gets double the calls of any stationhouse in the city.

“I understand that the city needs to balance the budget, but I believe there are areas such as education, housing and safety, especially with a fire house, that should be included,” Rodriguez said.

Neither the mayor nor the Fire Department have specified which engine companies will have to be closed. Twenty are slated for closure in the budget.

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. They would have more credibility if:

    1. The firemen were offering to take pay cuts

    2. The residents were offering to pay more taxes

    A city or state or nation is NOT a big plantation
    where the master hands out favors from what to a slave seems a limitless storehouse of bounty. If you want a service, it has to be paid for.

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