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NJ Gov. Christie Promises Property Tax Reform

Gov. Chris Christie hopes to stabilize New Jersey’s highest-in-the-nation property taxes during his first term.

Appearing on New Jersey 101.5 (WKXW-FM) Wednesday night, Christie said spending reforms are needed to reign in property taxes averaging $7,300.

The new Republican governor wants to see a proposal on the November ballot to cap local spending and tax increases at 2.5 percent. If lawmakers agree to put the question to voters and it’s approved, municipal and school budgets could exceed the cap only if voters approve the extra spending.

Christie says a hard cap will impose discipline on runaway spending. He’s also seeking to reform negotiations between towns and union workers.

Christie campaigned on a promise of lowering taxes on businesses and residents – though not in his first year in office

Meanwhile, voters made it clear that they are sick and tired of paying taxes — even at the expense of schools.

On Tuesday, 59 percent of districts rejected their proposed school budgets; 41 percent approved them.

It’s a huge victory for Christie in his fight to reign in spending.

(Source: WCBSTV)

3 Responses

  1. YonasonW-

    I can tell you it’s more than talk. So far, he has cut State funding to everyone and everywhere. Take a look at municipalities and their new budgets and you’ll see his cuts, take a look at public transportation and you’ll see his cuts. His spending budget is way down.

    However, good things are yet to materialize from it.

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