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Chanukas Habayis of the Agudath Israel of the Five Towns

The Five Towns will soon celebrate the dedication of the Anne and Jerome Gober Torah Center – the new home of the Agudath Israel of the Five Towns Mikdash Tzvi Yechiel located at the corner of Cedarhurst Avenue and Peninsula Blvd. in Cedarhurst. The new state of the art facility includes a stunning two story Bais HaKnesses with a balcony, youth rooms and a simcha hall.

Formed twelve years ago under the leadership of Rav Yitzchok D. Frankel, the kehilla’s Morah D’Asrah, the shul will be marking the occasion with a special day of dedication and celebration. “This momentous occasion is the culmination of many years of tireless efforts of our kehilla,” said Rav Frankel.

The special day which will be on Lag B’omer, Sunday, May 2nd, and will begin with a Hachnosas Sefer Torah dedicated by Rabbi Dr. Zev and Terry Goldberg L’zecher nishmas Rifka bas Yitzchok. The program will begin at 12 PM at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Goldsmith. After completion of the Torah letters at 1:30PM, there will be a festive procession to the new building of the Agudath Israel of the Five Towns. The new Torah will be greeted by the other Sifrei Torah of the Shul and escorted into the new shul building with singing and dancing. The Chanukas Habayis of The Anne and Jerome Torah Center will begin at 2:00PM and will include Divrei Torah and greetings from Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivos and the affixing of the Mezuzah on the new building. The program will be followed by a reception in the new simcha hall.

The Agudah’s leadership is most proud of the project’s final result. There were many obstacles to overcome including legal variances, financing and actual construction. “We were blessed along the way to find true partners who helped overcome real problems” said Shalom Parnes, the shul’s president. The membership is particularly grateful to Councilman James Darcy and Cedarhurst Mayor Andrew Parise each of whom offered vital help and guidance as the project unfolded. “We had great cooperation from the Town of Hempstead and Village of Cedarhurst all the way through the process” said Parnes.

Key to the construction was the incredible dedication of Michoel Bleiberg, a member of the shul who is also a professional construction manager. “His dedication to this building is unbelievable” said Rav Frankel, “he never stopped working and didn’t let a single detail go by.”

Mark Korman, Vice President of Special Assets at Bank of America (which financed the project) was also very responsive to the shul’s needs. “It took us a long time to find the right bank to worth with” said Hal Frechter, a member of the building committee “but once we did they’ve been very helpful.” Special thanks are also being given to the contractor JCJ General Contracting,Jason Teramo and Chris Strauss and architect Amiel Savaldi.

Catering in the new simcha hall is being offered exclusively by Supersol. According to Parnes, the kehilla and Supersol have worked out a mutually beneficial agreement to help subsidize the shul’s expenses. “Laurie Garber of Supersol and the entire Supersol family are invested in our community,” said Parnes, ”while there were other caterers who expressed interest, the Supersol reputation convinced the membership this was the way to go.”

The Agudah’s annual dinner, honoring the Gober family, will be held on Thursday evening May 13th. For more information please contact Mr. Wallace Gottlieb 516-791-9265, [email protected] or our website

For further information about the dedication or for membership information, please contact the shul at 516-374-5364 or visit the shul’s website at

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Very nice! I heard great things about this shul…genuinely nice people, choshuve rov, quiet davening, and no shtick. Looking forward to visiting! May you have much hatzlacha in your new building. Mazal Tov!

  2. Yes this is very true! I had been looking for a local shul with a genuine Rav – and B”H I found it here. Rabbi Frankel is just what we were looking for. A mentor, a posek, and down to earth!

    The new Shul is beautiful – come check it out!

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