Judge Rules Mehadrin Kosher Poultry Plant Closed

Exeter Township, PA – A judge has denied an injunction that would have prevented a poultry plant from being forced to close.

Mehadrin Kosher Poultry asked the judge to prevent Exeter Township in Berks County from following through on a cease and desist order against the company until a trial on the case could be held.

The judge scheduled a trial for Monday afternoon.

Mehadrin said the lack of an injunction against the township means it will not be able to open for business or accept product on Monday, leaving about 185 people out of work.

Exeter Township issued the order for Mehadrin to cease and desist its operations because it said the plant is violating sewer use laws and is late paying its sewer bills.

The plant’s owners said they were stunned by the township’s action.

(Source: WFMZ)

2 Responses

  1. Haim Chicken, the Head Rooster, said that the chickens were overjoyed at the ruling.
    Later, that evening, the chickens held a great feast
    with kugel and kreplach and Manischevitz wine.

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