Senators Seek Trump Wiretap Evidence From DOJ, FBI

A pair of senators are working together from across the aisle to get to the bottom of President Donald Trump’s explosive allegation that President Obama wiretapped the phones at Trump Tower during the 2016 election season.

Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., formally requested information from the Department of Justice and FBI Wednesday on any action taken to listen in on calls from Trump’s New York home and offices.

“Congress must get to the bottom of President Trump’s recent allegation that President Obama wiretapped President Trump’s phones during the 2016 election,” wrote Graham and Whitehouse in a letter to FBI director James Comey and Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente.

“As Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, we would take any abuse of wiretapping authorities for political purposes very seriously,” the letter adds.

“We would be equally alarmed to learn that a court found enough evidence of criminal activity or contact with a foreign power to legally authorize a wiretap of President Trump, the Trump Campaign, or Trump Tower.”

On Saturday, Trump fueled the wiretapping accusations with four tweets claiming that former President Barack Obama issued the alleged directive himself, an accusation Obama’s team denies.

“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” wrote Trump.

The president further questioned the legality of the action despite providing no evidence that it occurred. The White House has declined to provide evidence and declined to comment further pending a congressional investigation.

“How low has President Obama gone to tapp (sic) my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!” wrote Trump.

Graham and Whitehouse indicated that they would be “glad to review any such applications and orders once they are disclosed, and proceed as appropriate with the oversight the President has requested.”

Over the weekend, ABC News reported that Comey asked the Justice Department to refute the allegation.


7 Responses

  1. The problem with these things starts with semantics. Just what is the definition of “wiretapping”. Presumably it is a sloppy way of meaning any sorts of surveillance technique, but will it be limited to a narrow technical definition instead.

  2. Once they are investigating Trump’s stupidity, how about these Senators investigating some other of Trumps looney claims such as

    1) Did Cruz’s father kill Kennedy?
    2) Did the Park Service doctor photos to make Trump’s innaugaration seem smaller than it was?
    3) Were are the 3 million illegal voters?
    4) Who bused thousands of people from Massachusetts to NH to vote for Hillary?
    5) Where are the thousands of Arabs that celebrated in Jersey City?
    6) Did Trump have the largest electorial college victory?

    The list can go on and on but in truth there is only one investigation that is truly neccessary and that is to investigate if Trump is mentally competant to serve as Commander in Chief.

  3. Hard to believe that a Muslim ex-President of the USA can be such an evil monster, ha?

    Well, there’s plenty of evidence. Here are some:
    #1 it’s quite obvious that the “leaks” to the CIA MAFIA came from the wiretapping – where else?
    #2 the NY Times reported it “mistakenly” in Jan
    #3 Wikileaks confirmed it
    #4 Hillary tweeted it in October
    #5 Hillary’s campaign manager confirmed he had knowledge of wiretapping
    #6 an ex-CIA official admitted to the wiretapping
    #7 some senior US officials admitted that they got a FISA warrant as well as another approval (a non-FISA) in Oct.

    Those who deny it are the same crooks and liars as those who deny Hillary’s massive corruptions.

  4. Yes, President Trump was wiretapped when he was a presidential candidate SEE:

    Also, see the video footage of Pres Trump’s inauguration: the site is FULL not 1/2 empty. So it depends on what time of the day the photo is taken.

    Yes, the were many “dead” and “foreign ” voters who did what Obama said” If you vote, you will not be challenged”

    Yes, there was video at the time that Arabs were celebrating the twin towers calamity on 9/11.Do you think they wouldn’t, those who strap bombs on little children?

    And please don’t speak about things you have no idea about.

    Also, Pres Trump won according to the laws of the USA.

  5. Anything Lindsey Grahamnesty is involved in automatically favors the left and this is no different.

    The facts are that the Leftist media like the NY Slimes, Washington Compost, etc., all reported information gleaned from wiretapping so the president, whom they STILL can’t figure out, called them on it. Suddenly the Slimes doesn’t know which way is up.

  6. I don’t understand why Congress, or anyone else, should “investigate” Trump’s accusation against President Obama. If Trump cannot give a source for his accusation, why should other branches of government chase down things the president alleges, if the president himself cannot explain the source of his comments.

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