Plan To Get Dangerous Substance Off NYC Streets

The NY Daily News reports: Forget gun buybacks. Now there’s a plan to get another dangerous substance off the streets – soda and other soft drinks.

A group pushing the “fat tax” on sugary drinks is staging a soda “buyback” Wednesday in Brooklyn to draw attention to their cause.

“Soda and sugary beverages are extremely unhealthy for our kids,” said Eric Koch, a spokesman for the Alliance for a Healthier New York, which is organizing the program.

The event will be held this afternoon at the New Lots Family Center in East New York, Brooklyn.

Families who show up will be able to turn in their sugar-filled drinks for gift certificates good for fresh fruits and vegetables at city farmers’ markets.

Turning in a can of soda will mean a $2 voucher while a 2-liter bottle will fetch a $6 one.

In gun buybacks, law enforcement agencies pay for illegal handguns – no questions asked – to get them off the streets.

Gov. Paterson’s proposed soda tax would add one penny per ounce on sugary drinks, meaning the price of a 20-ounce bottle would go up 20 cents.

So far, the tax hasn’t made it into budgets passed by the state Legislature, but supporters haven’t given up. They argue the tax will bring in needed revenue for the cash-strapped state while helping in the fight against obesity.

Critics charge the tax is going too far and will cost the state jobs.

(Source: NY Daily News / YWN-4705)

5 Responses

  1. Since New York has such a surplus in its budget, and has already cut taxes to the bone, the government has to do something…..

  2. Where do I go for this? I’m going to buy out the soda at pathmark. At $1.50 cost that’s a 300% return on my money.

  3. 14.I believe it would be important for the frum community if the Governor would seek a “Heimisha Kiddush Tax” on potato and lukshin kugel as well cholent and kishka. Surely the ACLU would get involved claiming that it would be a violation of the Establishment Clause -Separation of Church and State, but that is a ridiculous argument because when did anyone ever hear of a church giving a kiddush. L’Chaim.
    If you think this is funny read again what Aryeh Ralbag said about his own hashgacha on Hebrew Nationalin the article titled “Resurgent Kosher Meat Market”:
    “(Even Hebrew National which produces kosher but not the higher standard glatt is said to have upgraded its kosher standard in recent years. According to rabbinic sources, under Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag of the Triangle K, “the kosher meat now meets the standard of being kosher.”)” And before??????
    Very sadly today we have animals that are Glatt and impersonators of rabbanim that are completely treif.

  4. #3, I was thinking the same thing!
    #2, your right/ And the city should do something about all the drugs out there! I can’t walk down the street without smelling that nasty stuff!

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