Mishkan Yecheskel & Bikur Cholim Of BP Agree To Partner In Growth Of ‘Chaiyenu’

In an historic announcement, two exceptional chesed organizations have entered into a partnership for the future operation of “Chaiyenu”.

Chaiyenu is a renowned and respected organization that is involved with the well-being of children from challenged homes. It creates an environment where these children can get together in an atmosphere of joy and happiness; something which is often missing from their lives. The Chaiyenu staff works with these children to put a smile on their faces and contentment in their hearts. The Chaiyenu program gives specialized attention to these children through exciting afternoon and weekend group activities.  On Chol Hamoed and during other special occasions, they offer fun, yet structured and nurturing activities, such as special gatherings and trips.  The counselors at Chaiyenu give these children a feeling of security that there is someone who cares about them.

Chaiyenu was founded and funded under the auspices of Mishkan Yecheskel, an umbrella organization for numerous chesed endeavors run by the noted askan Reb Yecheskel Kauftheil.

Bikur Cholim of Boro Park is a long-established and respected organization and has a variety of programs that assist the heimishe community, including its Family Crisis Intervention Program, which deals with some of the same issues as Chaiyenu by enhancing the lives of children from families that are in crisis.

In an effort to grow and enhance the Chaiyenu program, and to utilize Bikur Cholim’s expertise in this field, Mishkan Yecheskel and Bikur Cholim have agreed to partner in the future development of Chaiyenu and coordinate its activities with similar activities at Bikur Cholim.

“This is an unbelievable opportunity for Chaiyenu to grow to greater heights and to continue to help those children in our community who desperately need this type of assistance”, according to Reb Yecheskel Kauftheil.

“We are thrilled at this partnership and we believe that the children of Boro Park will be the ultimate beneficiaries. Both Chaiyenu and Bikur Cholim will immeasurably benefit from this relationship. We are looking at additional potential opportunities of this sort”, said Chaim Schoenblum, President of Bikur Cholim.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. This is such a wonderfull program !!
    If only many more kids that are the “REG” type of boys would be able to join…
    I allways ask:
    Why do so maney boys do so good in a camp/day camp ???
    Maybe its something their doing right ??
    The way I see this wonderfull Chaiyenu, as a All year Camp… Which is what MOST b.p. Can use ( politions have to get involved in this and give this opertunity for a lot more kids, bulid jyms, and outlets for heimishe boys all year round)
    Keep Up Your Great Work !!
    Btw: R Koufthail is a One Man Band Show that basicly has a hand in Every single(!!) חסד there is going on today in the world and in B.P. By far !!!
    May hashem give him all he needs to continue and to be able to do more

  2. can u give me the number of this organization, i have two autistic children and never heard of this and really need the help besides i recently had a brain tumor

  3. Wow. This is fantastic development for the heimishe community of Boro Park and Flatbush. Unfortunately, there is a tremendous need for this type of service. Congratulations to both organizations for their foresight in growing the Chayeinu group. Kol Hakovod.

  4. What a great org. Have myself seen the tremendous work that these yungerlite do with these choshver kids, it is so beautiful to see those happy faces of the kids while they walk out from a regular night at CHAYEINU, VER REDT NOCH those extra special night…

    Reb shlome steinmetz job well done, its time you see some nachas of wonderful work it is just unbelievable what you are doing with this boys i personally know of two brothers witch chayenu saved there life its really saving generations keep up your good work, may hashem pay you back by your kids,
    And to bikur cholem i would say tizku lmitzvos and may this partnership be a “kesher shel kauma”

  6. Wow!!
    i cant believe that you still operate !
    i was in the 1st group that was opened THE NIGHT GROUP ( as it was called then )
    it was a life saver for me then when i was struggling @ home.
    today , a Father of my own child , i can only start to understand what you did for me , and how much you help me stay a healthy boy, with all the struggling that i had to make up with.

    i do not know where you are located today, and I’m not sure that all the staff is the same ( i do know that R Gluck (that headed the program from the start, is now the מנהל of the ישיבה מבקשי השם)

    if i can only help you , i will do anything in mu power!!
    and to Bikur Cholim i must say: you have proven again that you are a true caring organization that looks to unite and help anything that can benefit to another Jew !! הצלחה רבה and מזל טוב

  7. mosh3-

    I work for a wonderfull agency that caters to and services children and adults with special needs. Im not sure if you are part of the agency yet, but it might be worth your while to look into OHEL BAIS EZRA. May Hashem bless you and your children with a refuah shelaima!

  8. Do I see correct ??
    Tuly teitilbaum ???
    He is a power house and a special person that has helped our community in so many ways, nothing stops him,
    Since he entered the Bikur Cholim Organization he has done so much (with his background of: Mekimi and many other great Chesed Projects he has done)
    I can only imagine what will be the outcome of this collaboration between these 2 great organizations that I don’t think there is a single family that didn’t persanly benefit from one of the many Mishcan Yecheskal Organizations, and with Bikur Cholim Joining forces, it will only increase.
    I wish that this will bring the גאולה שלמה במהרה like its knows that משיח will come in a generations that is full with עולם חסד יבנה
    A Proud Boro Parker

  9. What a great combination… Two wonderful organizations come together to help the Klal. It seems like Bikur Cholim realized how valuable this “Chaiyenu” program really is. I’ve personally seen this first hand… the devotion of R’ Mordche Binik and the rest of the staff are not to be believed. It is no wonder that so many kids continue to benefit from this program – it really changes their lives. Kol Hakavod to Bikur Cholim for realizing this valuable asset; I’m sure this will enable Chaiyenu to reach out even further and continue to make a difference in the lives of these precious Neshamos.

  10. To whom this may concern:
    As a parent of one of the kids (and family’s) that benefits from Chaiyenu, I wanted to mention a few details
    1. i think its important to mention that Chaiyenus Main goal is a Support Program for kids that can use it, in other words you don’t necessarily have to be a dysfunctional family to benefit from Chaiyenu, and if your family is a beautiful one just there is a child that needs a camp style program all year round to help him cope from turning the ENTIRE family into a dysfunctional family- you can also be part of this

    2. GIVE CREDIT WERE CREDIT IS DUE, R Kaufthaill is a TZADIK dressed up in a costume of a business man , that can be called a MASTER IN CHANGING THE CHINUCH WORLD, he has never said the word NO to any idea that was ever brought up , and with his great power has had the סייעת דשמיא of seeing far ahead what the human eye can even imagine, and has had a tremendous amount of success.
    3. just to name a few of the many that Rocked the entire world:
    עצה, תושיע,מלאכת שמים, מקימי, יד אפרים, קשר, השגה, הידברות וכו’ צאצאינו,
    and many many more
    4. I’m so happy to hear that Bikur Cholim has had the privilege to join in to the Chaiyenu family .
    Good luck!!

  11. #10
    3. just to name a few of the many that Rocked the entire world:
    עצה, תושיע,מלאכת שמים, מקימי, יד אפרים, קשר, השגה, הידברות וכו’ צאצאינו

    I think you left out one, I’m not sure the name something like Friends Be Us…

  12. I have seen chayenu first hand at more then one occasion,and it’s just unbelievable,and as for bikur cholim keep it going with your great deeds of chesed which is just wonderful I had a beautiful pesach because of your generosity!!
    Mi kamchu yisroel!!!!!!

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