Gang May Have Ordered Hits On NYPD

Brooklyn, NY – The MS-13 gang may have issued a hit on the NYPD, police sources said.

The tip came from a cab driver in Brooklyn, whose hack friend overheard a gang member talk about a murder contract on police from the driver’s back seat, sources said.

The cabbie told cops the thug spoke about the group killing an officer in every command, sources said.

“We’re investigating the report based on an overheard conversation,” said NYPD spokesman Sgt. Kevin Hayes. “At this time, there’s nothing to indicate there’s a city-wide threat.”

But sources said Gang Unit cops are pushing informants to gather more intel on the threat, and are taking the tip seriously.

“We’re careful around these guys anyway,” a source said.

(Source: NY Daily News)

2 Responses

  1. Gangs like this, have become extremly powerful because of liberal policies that coddle criminals and bend over backwards to find excuses to not punish criminals (or at least not punish them as harshly as is needed for the punishment to be real deterrent).

    On the History TV show, gang members have appeared on camera (usually while in jail or after having come out of jail, already having ‘served their (too short) time’ for the crimes they describe, thus they feel no need to hide what they did.) and admitted that they see no reason not to kill because they can in their words “kill 14 people and get the death penalty only once” (which they usually do not get anyway).

    We have this liberal mayor (‘Independent’, means liberal in disguise) who goes around to other mayors in the country trying to get all of them to pass ever increasingly strict (and unconstitutional) restrictions against our 2nd Ammendment rights while advocating open borders through which the criminals freely bring in their own guns and then he hypocritically claims
    “that is a fedearl Issue I can’t do anything about illegal aliens”.

    But somehow he hypocritically thinks it is ‘not’ a federal issue when he tried to usurp the 2nd Ammendment and stop citizens from defending themselves agaisnt the home invasions, caused by the illegals, he supports.

    In the case of this particular gang, it is also caused by our open border policies because this gang origionated in South America and some of the most violent thugs smuggling drugs weapons and
    other gang members accross the border are comming from there, through Mexico.

  2. I have a Q I bit off topic:
    Is there a law or policy forbidding Taxi drivers or car service drivers to not repeat stuff said in their cabs?

    –I am not saying that this cab driver shouldn’t have reported this story to the police.–

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