New Yorkers Face Another Water Rate Hike

New Yorkers will face water rate hikes next year, but it appears they will not be as high as originally feared.

The Daily News says the Department of Environmental Protection is expected to propose a 12.9 percent hike to water rates today. This is smaller than the originally proposed 14 percent.

The nearly 13 percent hike would raise an average single-family residential bill to more than $800 annually.

Cuts to the DEP’s operating budget, because of lower water usage, lead to the rate hike requests. The News says big construction projects started under Mayor Michael Bloomberg are also forcing the hikes.

The water board will formally adopt the 2011 water rate on May 21st. The new rate will become effective on July 1st.

Last year, water rates were increased by more than 14 percent.

(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. This seems to be an example of a negative feedback loop, of vicious cycle.

    The more they raise water costs, the less people may use, which leads to less income, which leads to the need for more rate hikes, which leads to less usage, and then some more rate hikes…

  2. remember when putting in the water meters was optional,than it went to mandatory and now they GOT you!!They’ll keep on raising these fees until we protest.Haven’t we had enough rain this winter what is the justification for the hike???

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