FBI Arrests San Francisco Man For Threatening Nancy Pelosi Over ObamaCare

A San Francisco man was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of making threatening phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi because of her support for healthcare reform.

Gregory Lee Giusti, 48, was arrested at his home in the city’s Tenderloin district after an investigation by federal authorities, said Joseph Schadler, spokesman for the FBI’s San Francisco office.

Schadler said Wednesday afternoon that the criminal complaint against Giusti was under seal and would not be made public until he appeared Thursday morning in San Francisco federal court.

According to federal authorities, Giusti allegedly made dozens of calls to Pelosi’s homes in California and Washington, D.C., as well as her husband’s business office. He allegedly recited her home address and warned that she should not support the healthcare overhaul bill that was recently signed into law if she wanted to see her home again.

(Source: LA Times / YWN-4705)

10 Responses

  1. I agree with eric55, who says that the
    wrong person got locked up. It should be a felony to steal from people if you are a congressperson, even if you are stealing through taxes to give it to the poor, officially. she is no better, but a lot worse then Robin Hood.

  2. Had Madoff been in Congress, he wouldn’t have been charged with anything. Too bad for him he was in the private sector.

  3. good point dr. levin….they probably wouldve elevated him to a chashuva position like chairman of finance committee

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