St. Vincent’s Emergency Room Could Be Saved

Saint Vincent’s Hospital may be closing, but its emergency room might have a lifeline.

The New York Daily News reports today that at least two health care companies, Mount Sinai Medical Center and Continuum Health Partners, are still in talks to take over the emergency department and community clinics.

Both companies had bids to take over the entire hospital, but pulled out to avoid taking on the West Village institution’s $700 million in debt.

The hospital’s board voted Tuesday night to shut down inpatient services after a six-month effort to save it.

Elected officials joined patients and medical staff yesterday to urge the state to hold off on approving the closure; another rally is planned for later today.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Of course there will be bidding wars over these hospitals now. Once everyone is forced to buy medical coverage they dont want or understand, the Feds will give TONS of money to these places so they can now give medical care to illegal Mexicans, who wiped them out in the first place by giving free care at America’s expense.

  2. MoshiachNow01:
    Whatever St. Vinny’s problems may be, the medical care to “illegal Mexicans” is not one of them. The collapse of the Catholic Medical Center system in the past 5 years is due to multiple factors (specialization mix and reimbursement rates, labor costs, market niche, bed utilization rates, the declining role of faith-based hospitals, support by the Diocese, etc.). The number of illegal Mexicans in the Village and Chelsea is not the problem.

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