Anti-Semitic Attacks in Germany Over Pesach

German police opened an investigation after a large swastika was painted on a memorial for the victims of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp in Hamburg on Tuesday. Officials believe the vandalism attack took place during the regular operating hours, when many visitors were present.

The remains of the camp are located about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the center of Hamburg, a site in which some 55,000 prisoners were murdered during WWII.

Members of the local Jewish community are expressing concern over what they are calling “a sharp increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents”.

In another recent case, two women and a male were struck over their heads with beer bottles near a subway station, with local media reports stating the attackers asked them “are you Jews?” before striking them with the bottles.

In yet another incident, a 16-year-old German male was arrested after shouting anti-Semitic epithets at two Jewish girls in a train station. He also threatened to assault a man who tried to protect the girls.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. We are foolish enough to be living ANYWHERE in galus when we have the option of living in Eretz Yisrael, but for Jews to still be living on the cursed soil of GERMANY!?!?!
    You can’t teach an old hundt new tricks.
    Jew-hatred is in their blood.

  2. You can’t teach an old hundt new tricks.Jew-hatred is in their blood. -AinOhdMilvado

    Ask any european. Its the muslim youth that do all this now. I personally have friends who live in Germany (Berlin) who’ve had their own run ins with these kids. Awhile back the PM of germany wanted to be the first european country to limit Arab immigration, this being one of the reasons.

  3. AidOhd: There is anti-semitism in the Holy Land too. Golus applies today in E. Yisroel as well. (Unfortunately in fact there is more anti-semitism there than many other places.)

  4. #2, you may be right. The media protects the muslims. The latest suicide murder bombings in Chechnya were overwhelmingly reported as committed by Chechnyans, who, upon further investigation were determined to be muslims. These “Germans” may, in fact be, as you suggest, muslims who are residents of Germany. The world is off it’s rocker.

  5. #5, Nice thought, but it seems as if once JDL was no longer under R’ Kahane’s razor-sharp, strong leadership, it morphed into something else.

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