Greenfield Ensures More Pre-Pesach Garbage Pickup

Brooklyn – Councilman-elect David Greenfield spent the weekend working with the Department of Sanitation (DSNY) to ensure pre-Pesach garbage pickup. Pesach, which begins at sundown Monday, requires additional garbage pickup due to the exhaustive cleaning of the home.

Traditionally, DSNY has additional pickups through 60th Street in Boro Park. Greenfield, who lives in Boro Park, received last-minute requests yesterday from his neighbors on 61st, 62nd, 63rd and 64th streets to be included in the extra holiday pick-up. Greenfield immediately reached out to DSNY and to Rabbi Edgar Gluck to work to coordinate the extra pickups – the first time ever these additional blocks were included.

Greenfield also visited chametz-burning sites with FDNY, NYPD and Shomrim officials to make sure that the designated fire sites were safe, as well as visiting and thanking Shomrim, Chaverim, Hatzolah, and Misaskim and Community Board 12 for their assistance.

“I want to thank the hard-working men and women of the FDNY, NYPD and Sanitation Department for working together to ensure a safe and clean Pesach. It’s a testament to the community that government agencies and volunteer organizations work so well together to ensure that we all have a Chag Kasher V’Sameach.” said Greenfield.

Greenfield gave special thanks to Deputy Inspector John J. Sprague of the 66th Precinct, Chief Michael F. Gala, Jr. of the FDNY and Chief Joe Montgomery of the DSNY for their outstanding service to the community.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Special Erev Pesach garbage pick-up has been standard in Frum areas for years. While I’m sure David Greenfield is a great guy, it’s a bit much for him to take credit for this.

    an Israeli Yid (enjoying my Chol HaMoed after one day Yom Tov)

  2. On my block the sanitation department must have set a record. Within a 6 hour time frame, they picked up our garbage 5 times.

  3. I know that there are some who are “sore” after Greenfield’s landslide victory. But give the man credit, he is working hard for the community and isn’t even getting paid for it (he’s doesnt get paid until he is sworn in).

    If you bothered to read this story instead of criticize you would understand. There are hundreds of families in the “60’s” in Boro Park. Because they have moved there in the last few years they haven’t gotten extra garbage pick-up (my nephew is one of those families). They reached out to Mr. Greenfield the night before erev yom-tov and he quickly arranged extra garbage pick-up for them. That is really newsworthy and Mr. Greenfield deserves their thanks!

  4. A23
    If you don’t like it go to the other sinas chinam loshon hora “Jewish” new site. You won’t hear to many positive things about David there. You’ll feel right at home…

  5. Greenfield: In 90 days the entire Jewish Frum population will find themselves in a bind. Scorching heat but barred from swimming and getting exercise on because of zeniut reasons. Children will be forced to swelter on the hot city streets. Did Greenfield mention this to Bloomberg? Our Jewish mayor or to Schumer our Shomer Senator who always stands up for peoples rights? The argument that it is unconstituional to set aside a gender specific block of beach is false. It is totally constitutional. Obesity and other health issues are at stake for this most important segment of our population. Families that are broke are willing to spend thousands of dollars just to get away for a few days from the city in the hot summer so parking meters and everything else is trivial next to this burning hot issue.

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