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Surprise: Obama Visits Afghanistan Unannounced

President Barack Obama arrived in Kabul on Sunday for an unannounced visit to Afghanistan, his first trip to the country since becoming president and commander-in-chief of the U.S.-led war effort.

Obama’s brief trip was expected to include a one-on-one meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, an expanded meeting with Karzai’s cabinet and U.S. officials, and a speech to American military personnel.

Obama is expected to greet troops and meet with diplomats while in the country.

The trip allows Obama to see the early results of his troop increase strategy, show support for military personnel and refute critics who say his focus on passing healthcare legislation has diverted attention from foreign policy.

Obama traveled to Afghanistan during the 2008 U.S. presidential election but has not been back since.

The White House official said weather and logistical reasons had thwarted previous attempts at a presidential visit since Obama took office in January 2009.

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3 Responses

  1. Of course he will show treat Hamid Karzai with utmost respect. Only Israels PM is to be treated like a doormat and a piece of toilet paper.

  2. Obama is on a high. Things are finally going well, or so he thinks. Come November you’ll either see a spike in these trips or you’ll see him running after his allies to forgive him so he isn’t a laughingstock all over the place. He was the one talking about America’s image. For Iran and their allies it’s still the same (just appears weaker) and for Americas old allies, things are worse than ever (not just Israel). If Bibi is smart he doesn’t break under pressure. This guy won’t be in power too much longer. In a couple of months he’ll have to sit down with Republicans or else he’ll be a lame-duck, and I believe you can predict 2012.

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