Agudath Israel of America Statement on Illinois Senate Passage of Voucher Bill

“When parents make decisions about where they want their children to learn—and have a publicly funded voucher to support that decision—everyone wins. That’s why we congratulate the Illinois Senate for passing the tuition voucher bill that will help students enrolled in Chicago’s lowest-performing schools. Improving the increasingly failing public K–12 system means finding better ways to invest the billions spent on education. Taxpayer supported vouchers and tax credits that allow parents to send their children to private schools is a critical step in making education better for all students,” says Rabbi Yehiel Mark Kalish, National Director of Government Affairs, Agudath Israel.

Agudath Israel is a national, grassroots advocacy and social service organization representing Orthodox Jews in America, including 250,000 children in private religious schools.  Agudath’s concern about education leads its members and supporters to make access to publicly-supported vouchers—and the ability of all parents to decide the best schooling options for their children—its number one priority.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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