Office of Republican Rep. Eric Cantor Shot At in Virginia (Highest Elected Jewish Politician In The House)

A Fox News report: Republican Rep. Eric Cantor’s Richmond campaign office was shot at Wednesday night, Fox News has learned, the latest in a rash of apparent threats and acts of intimidation against members of Congress.

Most of the threats so far have been reported by Democrats, but Cantor — the No. 2 Republican in the House — is one of about 10 lawmakers who has asked for increased security protection, Fox News has learned. As a member of the House leadership, U.S. Capitol Police already provide Cantor with a security detail around the clock, but he has asked for more security.

As House Republican whip, Cantor is the highest elected Jewish politician in the House.

The Department of Homeland Security is involved in the Cantor case because he is a member of the House leadership.

Fox News has also obtained a threatening message left Friday on the voicemail of Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio.

35 Responses

  1. Did he vote for the healthcare bill? if he didnt i think its the democratic machine at work trying to make the right look like gun crazy wacho’s so obama can now say you see who i’m dealing with! and make even more regulation

  2. BSD

    I don’t think that in this case it should matter whether Mr. Cantor is a Democrat or a Republican. There is nothing to feel good about w/ this shooting. A Jewish was shot, an attempt to wipe out his life was made – no one, and I repeat NO ONE has the right to shoot another person just because their political views might be different that your own. There is always room to debate, question – but it must be done with civility. Isn’t this one of the foundations of the USA? We are all entitled to our opinions provided that are not dangerous to others – shooting another person just because you disagree w’ him is a most disgusting act of cowardness and one that cannot ever be tolerated in this Country or any other.

  3. Eric Cantor is THE most underrates jewish POL period (sorry joe). Hes great – Very Very conservative, Very Pro Israel.Hes officially observant I think. They were hocking about him being Mccains VP. Hes smart, speaks really well and in my opinion, will make a great GOP VP candidate – Romney-Cantor in 2012?

  4. This is exactly what I have feared.

    The majority of the american people now feel betrayed by a corrupt political leadership who have imposed a greater tax burden on them at a time when they are losing their jobs and their homes.

    There are a lot of very, very bitter people out there, determined to exact revenge from their tormentors, and, as usual Jews will be the scapegoats. Obama is surrounded by highly visible Leftist Jews.

    It’s the “Yevseskia” all over again.

  5. The liberals have an extra special hate for Jewish conservatives especially Republicans and especially Republicans who can successfully shlug up the President like Eric Cantor has.

  6. I heard Eric Cantor’s statement responding to the despicable attempts of the Democrats to exploit the behavior of a couple of musugaim to paint the Democrats as “victims,” in order to change the subject from their despicable blackmail and bribery tactics, in connection with the healthcare bill.

    His dignified and sensible behavior is a Kiddush HaShem, and very effective, too.

  7. so lets see

    cantor and other republicans have riled up the populace with incendiary rhetoric and now people are acting out?

    i wonder why

  8. It goes the other way as well. On Jewish sites there are nonstop comments like this one, copied from another Jewish news site:

    “Common sense – this above article tells it like it is in a benign way. Being a religious Jew and yet being a leftist is, literally, an oxymoron! Understandable why liberals think the way they do, they have no G-D in their life.”

    There are always people who insist that a good Jew will be Conservative or Liberal, for whatever reasons they want to site. It’s time for all of us to agree that there are good and bad Jews on both teams, Jews who have their heart in the right places in both groups, and hopefully we’ll prevent the Jewish people from exploding into pieces.

    Just my little kumbaya message of the day. It’s terrible that anybody would make a threat or shoot at or do anything to anybody because of this or any other political issue.

  9. bacci40,

    Yeah I wonder why? Did you ever stop to think that perhaps this was …

    a) an isolated incident?
    b) a message from someone upset at what the House/Senate did while lumping everyone together?

    BTW, he gave a great speech!

  10. Flatbush Bubby is 100% correct.
    Also since liberalism (as it is applied in actuality, in the real world that we all have to live in) is against Torah (and no one can ‘prove’ otherwise, and name calling and personal attacks and insults are ‘not’ proof in any way shape or form, despite the fact that liberals think, they are), no one can be a good liberal and a follower/supporter of Torah also.

    The two are mutually exclusive.

  11. Gee, thank you hereorthere. I tried to offer a peaceful response to what Flatbush Bubby said, and this is your follow-up.

    I am a Liberal and a follower of the Torah.

    I don’t know what point you have just proved, but I dare say it’s not the one you intended to prove.

  12. #8 – See #9.

    #11 – As far as I know, Eric Cantor has not issued any “incendiary rhetoric” and is in no way responsible for people “acting out”. Just because the extreme elements on both sides of the debate are doing crazy things does not implicate anybody else. Please join #8 in referring to #9.

  13. AP is now reporting that the Richmond police investigation showed that the bullet was fired randomly; that Cantor’s office was not targeted.

  14. charliehall & Sickandtired,

    in all seriousness for a second considering we are usually at each others throats (so to speak), I have a question based on your “admission” to being a liberal.

    do you support the liberal agenda when it goes against the torah or our hashkofa? i.e., baby killing? Its almost 2a and my brain is sleeping already so if there are any other items, feel free to comment.

  15. Sickandtired if you tell me all the liberalism as it is actually applied in the real world that you support; I will then be able to show how you cannot be supporting that, and also following Torah.

    You support abortion on demand?
    Torah is pro life.

    You support the liberals who wanted to “hang Bush and Cheny” as “war criminals” for fighting terrorists?
    Torah says we are supposed to defend ourselves.

    You support the government stealing my money which will force me to become homseless, for
    the unconstitutional health scam Obama has just signed?
    Torah is against theft, even under the guise of “helping others”.

    You support all the male bashing that takes placve in the media and on college campouses and in grade school so that girls can be artifically made to “get ahead” of boys who are artificially held back be being doped up with Ritalin and not taught properly?

    Torah is against corruption and oppression.
    And doped up boys cannot learn Torah as is required by Torah.

    You support the Gay agenda and special rights for them?
    Torah says not to tolerate evil in your midst.

    You support the illegal aliens who literally are breaking and entering in this country in order to get all kinds of benifits stolen from Americans who work for their money?

    Torah says Dina D’Malchusa Dina, as well as
    being against any kind of theft.

    You support none of this liberalism?
    Then in what way, are you liberal?

  16. Mark,

    To answer the general question, when the “liberal agenda” goes against Torah and Hashkafa, and honestly it just doesn’t happen all that often, I, and, I would imagine, anyone who bothers to post on this board, of course follow halacha in precisely the same way that you do.

    But, I do take issue with what I see as the premise to your question, which seems to be that there is some sort of checklist that all liberals must follow. There are no shortage of pro-life liberals, as I’m sure you know. Off the top of my head, Harry Reid, is the most prominent, but there are many, many others. And quite honestly, if he’s capable of maintaining political views that are consistent with his (Mormon) religious beliefs, while being the Senate majority leader, I can’t understand why so many people on this board believe that the rest of us cannot do so from our living rooms.

    I’m answering this in the hope you were asking this question seriously, as you said you were, and with the understanding that it is sometimes difficult to understand what the other side is thinking.

  17. I’ll only discuss my political views in situations where I don’t think I’ll be bashed or called a lousy Jew. Because when I’m bashed or called a lousy Jew, those rabbis on whom I rely for guidance are also being bashed. And I won’t have that happen on an internet website, especially with people whose posts have shown such disrespect for liberal Jews. You can say the same thing about me — you wouldn’t want to expose your feelings and points of view with me. I would respect that, if that was how you felt.

    I know that when someone starts with asking if I’m okay with “baby killing,” we’re not really going to get anywhere with any discourse that follows. Ditto a comment about “male bashing.”

    You may or may not be surprised to know this, but I’m married to someone much more politically conservative than I, and most of my frum friends are WAY more conservative than that. So I’m able to discuss all sorts of issues and still come out of it shaking hands and being friends. My point is that I know that these things can be discussed. I just don’t think that YWN is the right place for such an exchange of ideas. I don’t relish being called a lousy Jew. I am not a lousy Jew. I don’t think you people are lousy Jews. I have no idea what kinds of Jews you are — I don’t know you, just as you don’t me.

    I’ve explained this as respectfully as I can. My prayer for the future is that somehow the Jewish people will survive this great divide. Well, to be honest, I have lots of prayers for the future, but that’s the one I’m sharing now.

    Good Shabbos.

  18. #21 –
    The Torah is most definitely pro-life, but there are still differences between the Torah position and the christian position adopted by most conservatives. For example, the Torah says that life starts 40 days after inception, while the christians say it starts at inception.

    I’ve never heard any mainstream liberal call for Bush or Cheney to be hanged. Fired maybe, but not killed. And the war in Afganistan may be self-defense, but how was invading Iraq self-defense? They had 0 shaychis to 9-11.

    The Torah is against stealing, but the Torah also says dinah d’malchusa dinah – the government has a right, if not an obligation, to charge taxes so it can make the lives of its citizens better. And the government would most certainly not tax you untill you are homeless – way before you get that point, your taxes would drop tremendously.

    And yes, someone could “support none of this liberalism” and still be a financial liberal – you, know, higher taxes, more services, etc. I’m not saying that I personally feel this way, only that I see no place in the Torah that says this is wrong. If anything, the underlying idea of financial liberalism, that the well to do should be helping the poor, is very much in line with Torah ideals. In practice of course I’d rather be giving money to tzedakah then to government that spends money on all the wrong things and in all the wrong ways, but its still a nice thought even if it doesn’t work so well in practice.

    All in all, I see no reason that a Torah-following, God-fearing jew cannot be financial liberal.

  19. I never called anyone on YWN “a lousy Jew”.

    Pointing out that liberalism as it is aplied in the actual world, is the opposite of Torah is a statement regarding the situation used in order to be able to talk about the issue.

    Saying about someone “they are lousy” is a subjective term used (usually) just to call someone, names.

    And what is wrong with pointing out male bashing?
    Is it supposed to be kept a secret?

    If an individual will not discuss why he thinks he can be liberal and still follow Torah then he cannot blame those who point out, it’s impossibility.

  20. #24 Torah does not allow abortions before 40 days either except to save the life of the mother.
    No rav that I have ever heard of, has ever paskened (to my knowledge) that before 40 days it was permissible to have an abortion on demand.

    And conservative does not have to mean, Christian.

    It does not have to be someone who is “mainstream” calling for conservatves to be murdered, if all of their followers are posting it on blogs with none of them saying how evil such ideas are.

    But if you want someone davka mainstream, I can give you someone;

    On one of those late night TV talk shows (I think it was either, the Jey Leno or David Letterman show)Big Well known Hollywood movie star, Alec Baldwin during the Clinton Impeachment hearings said that we should “all of us together, go to Ken Stars house and kill him and his wife and children”.

    He yelled it out more then once to an enthusiastically applausing (clapping and shouting in support), audience.

    As for taxing to make people feel beter, there is no end to that if you think it is an absolute right.
    The government under that idea could demand that they regulate every aspect of yoru life every secind and that you follow everything they tell you “for yor own good”.

    They had some of that in liberal countries, like Nazi Germany and in Stalinist Russia.

    And as long I have had a full time job, my taxes have never dropped.

    Now this health scam bill wll require me to come up with thousand of dollars per year that I simply do not have and there is absolutely no provision to say “the IRS won’t take it from you if you cannot afford it”.

    More taxes for more services?
    What services?
    A bunch of anti Torah services like the Harvey Milk school?

    You cannot be a fiscal liberal and a social conservative.
    Social politics and the fiscal costs to support them, are intertwined.

  21. Hereorthere,

    Not surprisingly you have once again posted something here without making the slightest effort to see if it was true. Also not surprisingly, the actual facts show the opposite of your point.

    Alec Baldwin made a comment on Conan O’Brien’s show about how in other countries people would kill Henry Hyde and his family. Not only did many liberals feel that that comment was beyond the pale (so much so that NBC would not rerun the interview), but Baldwin himself apologized for it later.

    Please let me know why you would feel that this incident (in which to summarize, a liberal said something stupid. there was an uproar from everyone and the liberal apologized) somehow makes it impossible to be liberal and follow the Torah.

    By the way, I’m not sure why you seem to feel the psychiatric profession is somehow connected to the liberal agenda, but I once had the experience of trying to teach a high school boy with ADD during a night seder whose daily dose of Ritalin wore off exactly halfway through the chaburah I gave. Suffice it to say, i can say from that experience that your opinion that Ritalin is an a drug that hinders Torah learning may be the most inane opinion ever posted on this website.

  22. mosheemes2 You have no clue what I “made effort” to do or not do.
    And the fact are as I said they were.
    Baldwin yelled, that “all of us together” and then yelled even louder a second time “ALL OF US TOGETHER” would go down there and kill him and his family.
    He was not saying it as if “We in America do not do such things” he was saying it as if “we in America NEED TO BE, doing these things.
    And he never apoligised to any widely publicized
    Nor has liberal the crowd who went wild with applause ever apologized for supporting those statements.

    And talk about inane opinions, you are no doctor and have absolutely no proof that it was the
    Ritalin wearing off and not some other factor.

    I have over the years, heard many parents and doctors and other experts call Sean Hannitys show and tell them of the devestation Ritalin is doing to boys in school and how it is ruining their chances of learning.

    But even so I have never said it was bad in all cases.
    My point that you so obviously missed was and still is that Ritalin is used to keep boys doped up instead of engaged in learning.
    Not that it is never appropriate but that in the vast majority of cases it is not needed and still used anyway.

    And given your constant inane attacks on me
    I would say it easily could have been your teaching methods that were the problem.

  23. Oh by the way mosheemes2 thanks for practically admitting you are “frummyMcFrum” from the coffee room since only you and him have ever made such outrageous statements as to make such obviously false and exaggerated claims as something I posted was in some way the “absolute worst in all of history on this site”.

    Typical liberal way beyond the pale, inane claims.

  24. In your post you weren’t sure what show it was on and took two guesses and both were wrong. You also had the wrong target (Henry Hyde, not Ken Starr). I don’t think it’s an unreasonable inference that you were working from memory and didn’t try to look up what actually happened.

    I’m just not sure your textual explanation of the television show you never saw makes much sense, about what he meant. And again, I’m kind of confused, Baldwin apologized, NBC won’t rerun the interveiw, how does this show liberals support killing Henry Hyde?

    For the record, I have no idea who Frummy McFrum is. And yes, I stand by the statement that saying that people who are on Ritalin cannot learn Torah is an incredibly inane and insenstive thing to say. That you’ve qualified that now is nice, but does not change what you originally wrote.

  25. “mosheemes2” (Which I put in quotes because yoru responses falsly accusing me of things I never said, do not fit, with your name).

    I was right about what Baldwin actually said, which I do not see you even trying to refute.

    And I did not have to ‘look it up’ because I heard his own words as replayed many times on Sean Hannity’s show.

    And you are again making up things I never said like when you makle the false claim that I supposedly said “that people who are on Ritalin cannot learn Torah ”

    Which I never said.

    But the fact is, that if a boy needs a certain kind of gentle teaching which is seriously lacking these days in many cases, and instead of getting it, he would be doped up on Ritalin to cover up the real problem which in some cases could be the teaching methods which are not geared toward this particular boy, the in that case the Ritalin would be worse then simply teaching him the way he would learn best.

    Even allergy medicine says on it (according to the commercials on TV for it) there are all kinds of side effects.

    Col V Chomer for something that doctors have called into Hannity’s show and said that it “affects the same areas in the brain that Cocaine does”.

    And saying “you qualified that but it does not change the origional statement”
    Shows you only have an interest in causing machloikis and not in solving any problems.

  26. No you said “doped up boys cannot learn Torah as is required by Torah.” Were you refering to a different drug? Actual heroin? Because if so, I agree, heroin does inhibit Torah study. But if you were making the point that people on ADHD drugs can’t learn Torah, that’s ridiculous. And yes, I’m glad you qualified that you don’t think that’s true. It still does not justify you’re having said it in the first place. And I highly doubt that demanding accuracy from people before they slander parents, teachers, doctors, and children based on the words of Sean Hannity is causing Machlokes.

    By the way, I came back to this board because I wanted to make sure that I’d never said that you got “all the details” wrong in the Baldwin story, because you put that in quotes when you said I did and then insisted you only got some of the details wrong (which is what I said). It’s annoying that I had to do that. You should really learn how to use quotation marks (hint: they’re generally best used for quotes, not misquotes).

  27. And the point I made was not that they cannot learn, but they cannot learn “as is required by Torah.”

    If they are not fullfilling their potential they arer not learning as Torah repuires them to learn, not that they are not learning at all.

    I never said they cannot learn “at all”.

    If they are doped up, just because some incompetent fool did not have the pateince or intelligence to teach them properly and just wanted them “quieted down” just to be out of the way so they did not have to deal with them then that boy is is being mistreated and mistreated people cannot learn as well as those who are taught and treated properly.

    That what my point then, and I stand by that.

    And actually you said I got all the detail wrong, and did not specify they were wrong only about the Baldwin story and in fact the details of what he said and yelled were not wrong and those were the important part of the details.

    Andf another deatil I did not get wrong was who said it.
    We both agree it ‘was’, Alec Baldwin who said it.

    So still I did not get “all the details wrong” not even if you want to ‘now’ apply that statement to just the Baldwin story.

  28. Can you quote when I accused you of getting all of the details wrong? I looked through this thread and can’t find it. I think I did say that about the your claims about Robert Hanssen, but 1. in that case you had gotten every detail wrong, 2. obviously I wasn’t referring to anything else, because that was the first time I attempted the thankless task of correcting your errors. I said you got the details wrong, which you did even if you managed to get some of them right.

    And yes, I agree that if a teacher gives his students Ritalin because he doesn’t have the patience to deal with the student (the case you seem to be describing) that’s bad. Fortunately, I think in most cases, parents get their children Ritalin after consulting with doctors and many of those children use the drug to reach their potential. As I said in the beginning, I’ve personally witnessed it and blanket statements suggesting that that does not happen are inane.

  29. I posted a long post detailing how you are wrong in just about everything you said about me and it was erased.

    But just to recap a tiny fraction of that post.

    You said in the Rubashkin thread which I had cut and pasted to prove; I “constantly get things wrong”.

    You are wrong.

    Now you claim I got eevery detail wrong in the Hansen case.

    He was traitor, I was not wrong about that.

    He got Americans killed with his treason, I was not wrong about that.

    He was a white, non Jew I was not wrong about that.

    So again you are the who is wrong and making up things.

    As for your second paragraph above, you claim;
    I think in most cases, parents get their children Ritalin after consulting with doctors and many of those children use the drug to reach their potential. As I said in the beginning, I’ve personally witnessed it ”

    so now you are claiming to have visited millions of people and witnessed all their concversations with their doctors.

    The only other person ever to have been said to be able to do that does not exist, he is a fantasy character.

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