Coyote Captured In Manhattan Parking Garage

The NYPD has cornered a coyote in a parking lot just south of Canal Street on Thursday morning, MyFoxNY reports

The animal was dragged out from underneath a car and put in a crate.

This comes just a day after video footage showed what appeared to be a coyote roaming outside the Holland Tunnel in TriBeCa.

Witnesses reported seeing an animal that appeared to be a coyote roaming along the bike path on the West Side Highway.

From Columbia University, to the West Side, to Chelsea, TriBeCa and now back on the West Side, coyote sightings have been reported five times in Manhattan.

Wildlife experts say coyote attacks on humans are rare.


16 Responses

  1. hereorthere:

    Awesome use of political correctness! 😀


    Sorry, but saving members of Canis latrans wasn’t part of my budget. Maybe YWN readers should chip in to save this poor, hapless creature from a lethal dose of barbiturates?

  2. hereorthere:

    Actually, there are plenty of wild animevals in Womanhattan bigger than coyotes (humans weigh a third more or even heavier).

    I hear they have some really fat, caviare-stained wild animals on Wall Street in Manhattan.

  3. #4, You will be happy to hear the cost of driving them to the Adirondacks is cheaper than the professional fees to a Veterinarian for services, supplies, and cremation in order to euthanize an animal. Above the cost, it is inhumane and cruel to euthanize a healthy animal for no other reason than jay-walking.

    Support the right to arm bears!

  4. This is according to “Fox” news – don’t they have a conflict of interest (rival member of the canine family)?????

    I wonder what PETA holds? Coyotes tend to eat small animals?

    #3- they aren’t indigenous to New York, so maybe this is a tourist for California who got lost (it was in a parking garage after all).

  5. akuperma:

    Coyotes are autochthonous to New York. 50 years ago they may not have been native to NY, but there is a natural phenomenon called range expansion.

    As for PETA (Phonies in the Enterprise of Terrorising Americans [and Others]), well, they’re a bunch of [deleted by Give Me a Break]. Their opinion, and that of their guru, the Jewish turncoat Peter Singer, is worthless.


    So we’ll take it to where it belongs. We needn’t slay the poor, defenceless creature just because you’re afraid of it.


    Only difference is that this coyote didn’t brutally murder a police officer.

    Flatbush Bubby:

    Man up.

  6. Flatbush Bubby I meant it as a sincere compliment.
    i can’t stand the sickly looking waifs the media and Hollywood put up and display as “the ultimate in beauty”.
    The liberal media is sick and disgusting in what they falsly call beautiful.

  7. All these animal “rescue” groups like People Eating Tasty Animals and the humaine society and the ASPCA are all nothing but terrorists.

  8. What happened to the crated Coyote, was it freed from the crate and brought to the Bronx Zoo to be cared for there?

  9. #9, should they also kill the dark?

    #12, PETA means People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, and that is what their job is, and they are needed, sadly enough. I am not sure what you do to stop cruelty, on some level, in the world.

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