Bin Laden Vows Retaliation If 9/11 Mastermind Is Executed

As oral histories of the September 11th terrorist attacks go on display today in lower Manhattan, terrorist leader Osama bin Laden said in a new message that al-Qaida will kill Americans if the alleged mastermind behind the World Trade Center is executed.

Bin Laden said in a new audio recording message aired on Al-Jazeera TV that al-Qaida will kill any American captives if self-confessed terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is executed by the United States.

Mohammed, who was captured in Pakistan in 2003, is the most senior al-Qaida operative in U.S. custody. He is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay as the federal government decides whether to try him and four other suspects by military tribunal or in a civilian court.

President Barack Obama’s administration has promised to reach a decision soon.

The Associated Press quoted bin Laden as saying in the message that Mohammed’s death sentence “would mean the U.S. has issued a death sentence against whoever of you becomes a prisoner in our hands.”

Pentagon officials said they are seeking the death penalty for Mohammed.

Meanwhile, a collection of oral histories of how the attacks and the aftermath were experienced is going on display today at the listening station at the September 11th Memorial Preview Site.

The exhibit comes with accompanying artifacts recovered from the World Trade Center site.

Many of the recordings and items will become part of the permanent memorial and museum, which is scheduled to open by the 10th anniversary of the attacks.


14 Responses

  1. As if this animal has such power. As if this animal would not do that now if he could enforce that. As if this animal is being merciful at this or any other point. Get bin laden!!!

  2. Where is the proof that this thing, lower then an animal, (so as not to insult animals 🙂 is even still alive?

    These “videos” never show the thing moving and talking.
    At best all you ever see is a still picture, and often not even that.
    The words could easily be words from speeches from years ago, even from before 9/11 that have been put together to make it seem they have been spoken very recently.

    Any references to recent events could have been electronically edited in.

    They ability to electronically take someones voice and create “them saying” new words, had been in existence for quite a few years already, since well before 9/11.

    And notice the most ‘recent’ events ever referenced are at least a week old, because the editing takes time.

  3. This doesn’t make sense! Mohammed already did kill thousands of American’s with his plan so he deserves to be killed!

  4. Does that make KSM a poker chip? Let’s trade places of KSM and OBL. Exchange to take place in…S’derot….oops, did a rocket just hit the neighborhood? Seems like the Palestinians killed the heads of al Qaida!

    A guy can dream, can’t he?

  5. It’s a real shame on the U.S. that with all the technology, Bin Laden could still not be captured after so many years.

  6. If Osama had any way he could kill Americans, he would do it ASAP, not save it for later. This is an obvious bluff, and Bin Laden (if he’s still alive) is only doing this for the publicity.

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