FBI Launches Online Bank Robbery Database

The FBI has launched a new website to help catch armed bank robbers in New York and New Jersey.

BanditTrackerNortheast.com features security camera photos of wanted robbers and descriptions of the crimes they are accused of committing.

Officials hope the public will check out the site and call or e-mail tips that could lead to arrests.

The site also allows investigators to download images of a suspect, sometimes within an hour after a robbery.

“We know the BanditTracker website will be a great tool in our effort to catch bank robbers, and we hope it may also deter crime,” said FBI official Belle Chen. “If you commit a bank robbery in the New York or New Jersey area, your picture is going to be everywhere.”

“All bank robbery suspects get caught. It’s just a matter of time,” said FBI official Rick Battelle. “They eventually get caught because they don’t stop robbing banks until they are. Good investigations will lead to an arrest, but the idea of this website and some other services is to catch them during that first robbery event to prevent those downstream robberies from occurring.”

Police in Chicago, St. Louis, and Arkansas use sites similar to help find robbery suspects.

5 Responses

  1. Put the democrats and the Federal government first on the list. Our banks our going to be cleaned and garnished out.

  2. i”m not going to be a racict so i wil just copy and paste:והמבין יבין

    Subject 1: Black male 5’11”, 190 lbs, red shirt
    Subject 2: Black male 6′, 200-210 lbs, green shirt with eagle logo on front

    and another one
    Black male, approx 6’2″, 180lbs, 30-40 years of age wearing dark trench coat, dress clothes and brown framed g…

    and another one
    Race: Black
    Age: 20-30 years old
    Height: 5’0″ – 5’5″
    Weight: Medium B…

    and another
    Black Male 6′, 180 lbs grey hooded sweat shirt and black baseball cap
    and another
    Black male 5′ 3″- 5′ 6″, small to medium Build with a thin mustache.

    and another
    Three Subjects believed to have robbed banks on 2/20/09, 11/5/09, 11/13/09, 11/27/09, and 1/11/09. Subjects are armed and dangerous.
    Race: Black
    Height: Approx 5’8”-6’0”
    Clothing: Black hooded sweatshirts, black jackets, dark bandana or scarf covering the face.

    האם זה קשור לנשיא המדינה שכולם גונבים

  3. So let me get this straight;

    Bank robbers, who usually do not attack or rob
    average citizens (at least, not usually during the bank robbery) and who are always eventually caught since “they do not stop robbing banks till they are caught”, are the ones the FBI is making this comprehensive database for?

    Meanwhile, street and motorcycle gangs who regularly attack average citizens, and do home invasions and sell drugs to the nations children and anyone else they can get hooked on them, and who kill people with drive by shootings and stray bullets as well as vicious attacks on them just for “getting in the way”, are not in any national comprehensive police or FBI database?

    So the banks get extra comprehensive protection which they do not really need, and the rest of us as usual, are hung out to dry?

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