You Can Participate in Honoring Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro – 18 Years of Service at Congregation Shaarey Tefillah of N Miami Beach


“Haben Yaker Li Ephraim, Im Yeled Shaashuim Ki Midei Dabri Bo Zachor Ezkerenu Od. Al Ken, Hamu Maeilo Rachem Arachmenu Neum Hashem”

When Rabbi Shapiro speaks, we yearn for “more and more.” Audiences around the world listen to his short daily message from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation and they, too, yearn for “more and more.” Approach the Rabbi for a favor, ask for advice, seek his counsel and you will always receive , “more and more.”
​His Shabbos Shuva and Shabbos Hagadol Drashot run for 90 minutes, and yet, everyone in the room wants Od,“more and more.”

His friendship, his care and compassion for his congregation, his devotion and dedication to our brethren around the world, his love for Eretz Yisrael, our Gedolim and Rabbanim the world over all personify this quality of Od, “more and more.”
We invite you to participate in our journal dinner in honor of Rabbi Ephraim and Rebbetzin Mimi Shapiro. We will gather for an evening of celebration and inspiration on March 19th at the beautiful Lavan Social Hall in Hollywood, Florida.

Please generously support our Shul and click HERE to dedicate a page in our journal in their honor.

Join us at the dinner and be moved by our exceptional video presentations and special words from Rabbi Shapiro.

​The Shaaray Tefilah Dinner and Journal Committe

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