NY DAILY NEWS: Comptroller Criticizes Lazar for Misleading Voters About Felder’s Support

[Elizabeth Benjamin of the Daily News reports] A spokeswoman for Comptroller John Liu today chastised City Council hopeful Joe Lazar for distributing literature that seems to imply he has been endorsed man he’s trying to replace, Simcha Felder, in tomorrow’s 44th CD special election.

The mailer quotes Felder saying: “I want to thank Joe Lazar for all the help he has given our community.” There’s no indication as to when or where the former councilman made that statement.

Felder referred a call seeking comment to Liu spokeswoman Sharon Lee, who said:

“(Felder) has not and will not be involved in the race. Any photos or literature insinuating the deputy comptroller’s support were unauthorized.”

Felder departed his seat on the Council to join Liu’s staff as deputy comptroller for budget and accounting, leaving shortly after he was sworn for a third term.

Lazar’s chief competition in the 44th CD is David Greenfield, who, like Felder, used to work for Assemblyman Dov Hikind.

Hikind is supporting Lazar. So is Liu, although you wouldn’t know is from the other side of the mailer, which apparently is being sent out in Boro Park (hence the re-print of The Jewish Press endorsement, plus the photos of Hikind, Assemblyman Steve Cymbrowitz and Public Advocate Bill de Blasio).

On his list of endorsements from elected officials, Greenfield has former Brooklyn Democratic Chairman/Assemblyman Vito Lopez, Mayor Ed Koch and Mayor Bloomberg, who campaigned with the candidate last week.

(LINK: http://www.nydailynews.com/)

15 Responses

  1. To Be honest, this appears to be an act of desperation.

    I davened maariv last night in one “mimnyan factory” and this morning I davened shachris in a different one. Yet the subject of conversation was the sameat both

    People who were being “directed” to vote for Lazar were speaking about how appalled they were that the Lazar campaign spread literature throughout the neighborhood that Dovid Greenfield “Goes to Church”

    Listen up machers and the fat cows that are sitting by the shissel. The pashute mentchen are not naaranim. We won’t be fooled.

    Your time is up and we are voting for someone who will bring the money to US!!. Not to your office to be divided amnong yourselve and your gemachte programs that exist on paper only for the government..


  2. Just wait until the photos are released of the “close relatives” of Mr. Lazar seen pulling down Greenfield posters in Boro Park late Thursday night.

    Hikind (aka Lazar) must be stopped.

  3. this was clearly sent out by lazar, or he would have released a statment denying it.

    actually, he might do that now…..since he or one of his highly-intelligent (not) campaign staffers is probably reading this comment right now.

  4. This is just as low as Lazar campaign putting their stickers ontop of Greenfields face on Greenfields posters.

    Despicable, and utterly disgusting behavior.

    I will vote David just for this reason alone.

  5. Its a funny thing, I went to the NY Daily News website and they don’t have this article!
    Makes you wonder doesn’t it.
    Moderators Response: Makes you wonder if you failed click the click at the bottom of the article linking you directly to the article…..

  6. Go David Greenfield!! At the end of the day let’s not forget how he has amazingly kept up his honesty and integrity through all of this!!!! Big Yashar koach to David Greenfield for acting like a true yid and a baal torah umitzvos!

  7. I find these reports of posters being covered hard to believe since both candidates should be well aware that posting posters on public property is illegal and subject to a $75 fine for each poster. Candidates for a City office should be aware of this. If the Lazar people are putting stickers on Greenfield posters the City will collect $75 from each campaign.

  8. WellInformedYid, just one more thing. What is this profession of yours that allows such freedom of speech? Not so where I work. Tizku Lamitzvot

  9. People tell your friends and anyone you see in shul/work what Lazar is all about. Greenfield is what our communities need. The only way he will win is if people are educated and go out to vote for who has our best interests at heart. The Hikind/Silver/Lazar machine must be stopped.

  10. What Lazar isn’t advertising is the fact that he’s the candidate of choice for the Teachers’ Union. For that reason alone we should all vote Greenfield. The Teachers’ Union are the ones who are against private school funding.

    Personally, he got my vote with his response to the same gender rights question at the debate.

  11. Wake up everybody! Wake up your freinds, neighbors ect.!
    We need someone who will work for us & do what he did till now=GREENFIELD!
    Not someone who is in the mid of counting his retirement benefits, & just looking for a title=L’OO’SER!

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