This Will Not Stand: Newt Gingrich On The Passage Of Obamacare

This will not stand.

No one should be confused about the outcome of Sunday’s vote

This is not the end of the fight it is the beginning of the fight.

The American people spoke decisively against a big government, high tax, Washington knows best, pro trial lawyer centralized bureaucratic health system

In every recent poll the vast majority of Americans opposed this monstrosity

Speaker Pelosi knew the country was against the bill. That is why she kept her members trapped in Washington and forced a vote on Sunday.

She knew if she let the members go home their constituents would convince them to vote no.

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine combined the radicalism of Alinsky, the corruption of Springfield and the machine power politics of Chicago.

Sunday was a pressured, bought, intimidated vote worthy of Hugo Chavez but unworthy of the United States of America.

It is hard to imagine how much pressure they brought to bear on congressman Stupak to get him to accept a cynical, phony clearly illegal and unconstitutional executive order on abortion. The ruthlessness and inhumanity of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid machine was most clearly on display in their public humiliation of Stupak.

The real principles of the machine were articulated by Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings who was impeached and removed from the bench as a federal judge, before being elected to the House when he said “”There ain’t no rules here, we’re trying to accomplish something. . . .All this talk about rules. . . .When the deal goes down . . . we make ’em up as we go along.”

It is hard for the American people to believe their leaders on the left are this bad.
They are.

The American people will not allow a corrupt machine to dictate their future.

Together we will pledge to repeal this bill and start over

Together we will prove that this will not stand

2010 and 2012 will be among the most important elections in American history

These elections will allow us to save America from a leftwing machine of unparalleled corruption arrogance and cynicism

Sunday was one more step in the fight against a “Washington knows best” and “Washington should run everything” attitude.

Let us turn now to the Senate to continue this fight for real reform, for real self government, and for policies that create jobs, improve health outcomes, and increase freedom.


14 Responses

  1. All the Republicans need to do is come up with a simple and affordable system that eliminates the problem of people who are involuntarily uninsured (typically due to being in a bad demographic such as being in a community with a high birthrate, or due to preexisting conditions), and doesn’t penalize the self-employed and small businesses.

    Given the Democrats’ allergy to anything private sector, and their fear of giving anyone a choice aboutg anything, it shouldn’t be hard to come up with an alternative that works, and that won’t bankrupt the country and undermine the economy.

    But whining won’t help.

  2. Ole Newt is no Einstein, either. It was Newt’s Contract With America that “left America’s security agencies dangerously understaffed” that was a significant contributor, as per the 911 Commission Report, that enabled 911 to be able to pass “under the radar”.

    Republicrat of Demican……Heaven help us!

  3. All we had to do is open the borders of each state so we can buy insurance cross state lines in NY theres olny 6 companys if we can buy cross state there will be 6,000 that means compitition will drop price

  4. America! a first rate country – no money, no insurance, sleep in the streets, government won’t help.
    Israel: considered second rate – we are all insured, government helps us!!!

  5. #4 your showing ignorance in all of Europe everybody is insured not just Israel, but insurance doesnt get you health care. there is a reason why everyone with serious health issues comes to the u.s for their health care paying out of pocket instead of using their free health insurance, America has the best doctors and technology in the world, i never heard of someone going to Israel from America for complicated surgery.And this stupid notion that insurance company’s should give insurance for pre existing conditions is ludicrous, maybe we should allow people to drive uninsured get into an accident and then while they are waiting for the cop to come they can buy insurance. health care is no different if you want health insurance buy it when your healthy or else pay cash for your care, and stop the whining!

  6. #5 you are dreaming. a tiny proportion of people seeking advanced health care come to the US for treatment. For most maladies, European and Asian healthcare is superior to that in the USA. for the small portion you are referring to, insurance wont help. They charge monstrous fees and we pay it. So that wont change.

  7. and as to people going to Israel from America for care, the only reason you haven’t heard it is because you haven’t researched it. Maasim b’chol yom.

  8. Number 3…. you are under a common misconception.
    Do you really think insurance compnaies are going to pay New York hospital rates with North Dakota premiums? Our rates in NYC are high because all the hospital, doctor and diagnostic charges are the highest in the nation. No insurance compnay will continue to offer product if they’re guaranteed losses.

  9. #5, Who is whining on the board other than you? There are countries insured all over Europe and some do it better than others. The reason, according to me, is that it is not the system, it is the character of the people. America lacks character. Our leaders are in a battle of Republican versus Democrat, and they both have their parrots parroting the party line. These folks have lost sight of the values they are suppose to enact and ensure. They have become nasty, snarling rivalries. Its over.

  10. To eric55 who wrote (comment no. 5) “…if you want health insurance buy it when your healthy or else pay cash for your care, and stop the whining!”

    Rachmana Litzlan, I sure hope that you’re not a frum Jew. To know that there are such heartless people among us…so lacking in rachamim…is very distressing.

    My father (a”h) owned a small grocery store, working long and often back-breaking hours. He wasn’t home much. We were very low-middle class and he couldn’t afford health insurance. The medical bills for two heart attacks added to our family’s financial pressures, and I’m pretty sure that the agmas nefesh from his struggle to support his family contributed to his third heart, which killed him. My widowed mother (a”h) was left with the burden of even greater medical bills to pay off. And neither of my parents were “whiners.”

    There are, undoubtedly, thousands upon thousands of such stories (both within and without the Jewish community) of honest, hard working people, who face insurmountable financial burdens because our society has, heretofore, been led by such as yourself who say as you do: “if you can’t pay for your health care, too bad! Stop whining… just suffer and die.” Truly pathetic.

  11. But lenco49, the very charities that would have helped your father, a Bikur Cholim, is supported by the free market earnings of hard working people like your father. How will 17% of the American economy produce the money needed to support the very charities that would have benefited your father?\

    What no one addresses such as akuperma is that the best way to control costs would be limits on tort. But, g-d forbid we ask lawyers to share the pain of the rest of the economy.

  12. BSD
    Health care in America. Perhaps my proposal also comes off as too liberal, but I believe it is the conservative leaning steppingstone that all of us need in order to move forward. Practically speaking, all the democrats really wanted was too let “The cat is out of the bag,” & they succeeded. We cannot stuff it back in no matter how how we try. But we can see to it that this kitty remains hidden.
    Here’s an idea from one US Citizen-
    1) dissolve all medicaid
    2) all US citizens and LEGAL are automatically enrolled unless they opt out on their own. Legal aliens are also allowed to enroll, but not ILLEGAL ALIENS. If they need care, they will continue to go to a CCounty program as they presently do. Counties will be foreced to continue to provide a County hospital district.
    3) drop he medicare name to something less striking, like national care insurance
    4) all working US citizens and legal aliens have a flat tax taken out of their pay checks, perhaps 10% and their employer forwards it to the health dept just like they already do with our other taxes.
    5) a flat rate is the only fair rate. One who warns $500000 a year should pay more than the person earning $25000 a year. RECALL – if you deny yourself and / or family this new insurance, then you will not have too pay the flat rate tax. The flat rate is in lieu of one’s monthly health insurance payment.
    7) all previous conditions will be 100% covered by this new program, as well as new conditions, and any possible conditions.
    8) if you don’t want to enroll in it, then don’t enroll – you’ll be free to purchase a personal plan or purchase nothing at all. Just like you do at the present time.
    9) those who opt to purchase nothing at all will be 100% responsible for all of their medical bills at all times. including their co-paysl
    10) those who purchase their own insurance will have to abide by the rules of their plan
    11) The govt plan will also have deductibles and co-pays (at a much lower rate than current co-pays and deductibles. In order to offset, evryone will be allowed to purchase a personal insurnce policy just to cover these items, similar to the current medicare supplementa plans.
    12) all medical conditions will be covered by the new insurance plan and all physicians and hospitals will have to accept it. As long as someone is enrolled in the govt plan there shall be absolutely not difference is care or service from someone paying through their own insurance or through their own plan. All medical facilities and industries must accept the govt plan and any supplemental plan presented to them.
    13) Insurance companies will still be allowed to sell supplemental plans (as they currently do for medicare / medicaid patients). This supplemental insurance can be used to pay for the national plan deductibles. The can also sell full blow health insurance to for anyone not using the govt plan.

    Essentiall, all US citizens and Legal aliens will be covered by a national care plan that will work a lot like medicare. the cost, 10% of earnings – no additional fees. All medical personnel, clinics, hospitals, etc., must accept this insurance for all reasons. The plan will have some deductibles and copays, just as it currently does – individuals should be encouraged to purchase a supplemental plan from a regular inurance company and to use it for these deductibles and co-pays (all of the above also includes prescriiption drugs, and anciliatoy needs, such as wheel chairs, oxygen, cruches, bathroom needs, home nursing, home respite, home rehab care, etc.).
    Individuals my opt out of the entire program and purchase all of their insurance straight from any supplier and this will also follow the rules nd regulatiions of the govt prgrams.
    ILLEGAL Aliens would have to use the curren county hospital / public hospital system that is currently in place in most localities for indigient people.There is no need for a medicaid program any longer becuase almost everyone can be covered by the new govt plan. If cannot work due to physical or mental or emotional problems, the patient will have form signed by 3 licensed doctors attesting to this person inability to work, and the govt will supply that person with free govt care. this will have to be renewed on an annual basis. We are still humans and must treat those whom cannot work for various honest resaons, we must treat them with the same dignity as we would anyone else. Anyone reaching age 67 (retirement age) can receive full govt care for all time – we can call it national elderly care – for free – but we will require them to purchase suppllemental
    insurance. If this 67 yrs. old has not retired and works at least half time (20 hours per week) we will deduct 5% of their pay to go toward the national program until they fullly reture from work. There will never be any “death” panels, committees, evaluations, etc. to decide when any person has to bo to hospice, or taken off a resperator, etc. All of these life and death decisions will always be handled through one’s family, religious advisor, and physicians.

    Mr/ Gingrich, can we gett this written into a bill and finally pass it so the country can go o0n to other things. thank you.
    a.e. rubin chicago

  13. In 2002, a relative of mine had triple bypass surgery. Cost – $340,000. Anybody want to pay that off every month?

  14. #4
    You are supposed to work for your own things. Did you ever hear of nahama dikesufa? If you are dependent on govt. for things then they will tell you what to do. Puk Chazi many examples.

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