NYS Senator Espada Expresses Support For East River Bridge Tolls

State Senator Pedro Espada has come out in favor of tolls on some East River bridges.

The majority leader now says he supports a $2 toll on the Brooklyn, Manhattan, Williamsburg and Queensboro Bridges.

Espada is adding a bridge toll proposal to state budget negotiations. He says the tolls are a better option than the looming Metropolitan Transportation Authority service cuts and the elimination of free student MetroCards.

Espada says his support for the tolls is contingent upon the money going to saving programs that may be cut.

“I would only support it if it is a direct link, a lock box, a dedicated fund for free student MetroCards and also directly going to make sure that those bus lines and transportation lines that move seniors to their medical appointments, that, too, receives an exemption and a priority in this budget,” said Espada.

Espada says estimates by the Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission show the tolls would raise around $525 million a year, while reducing pollution and congestion.

(Source: http://www.ny1.com/)

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