NYPD Raids Elderly Brooklyn Couple For Years In Error; Blame Placed On ‘Computer Glitch’

The following is a NY Post article:

A computer database glitch has sent police to the home of an elderly Brooklyn couple more than 50 times since 2002, sheepish cops admitted today.

Walter and Rose Martin endured the most recent raid on Tuesday, when four cops showed up looking for a suspect. Two officers broke a window in the back of their Marine Park home.

Police are still investigating why the couples’ address shows up in their database when some suspects’ names are keyed in.

But they’ve flagged the Martins’ address, and say the couple shouldn’t get any more visits from cops.

“The department has flagged the address so the police will not go there unless the address is double checked,” said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.

It’s possible that some years ago, a criminal suspect either lived in the Martins’ house, or falsely claimed to live there, police sources said. The Martins bought the house in 1997.

They wrote letters to Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly in 2007, and after an investigation, police believed they had solved the problem.

“The department addressed the problem, and it was corrected back then,” said Browne. “Somehow it has popped up again.”

(READ MORE: http://www.nypost.com/ YWN-4705)

3 Responses

  1. Why are the cops ruling out the possibility that at least one of them are criminals and they got new identities. It’s not that hard to do that, especially for someone with a criminal mind.

  2. Run the fingerprints. If they are not the one’s for whom the police are searching, then the repeated raids without cause have violated their federal civil rights and the warrants to search are invalid in that they were obtained with incorrect and/or improper evidential data and they need to be compensated.

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