All Black People Asked To Leave NJ Wal-Mart Over Public Address System

Turnersville, NJ – Two black South Jersey women are boycotting Wal-Mart as authorities investigate a public announcement targeting black shoppers at the Turnersville store over the weekend.

Wal-Mart officials said they’re reviewing security tapes to find out who asked “all black people” to leave the store in a message over the public-address system shortly before 7 p.m. Sunday.

Washington Township police, with the assistance of the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office, are investigating the episode as a possible bias crime, said Bernie Weisenfeld, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office.

Ashley Hardie, a corporate spokeswoman for Wal-Mart, described the incident at the Route 42 store as “unacceptable to us and to our customers. We are currently reviewing our systems to prevent this from happening in the future,” she said.

16 Responses

  1. *************CALLING AL SHARPTON……CALLING AL SHARPTON************

    This is perfect for him!

    Things have been quiet lately anyways, so rest assured he’ll be all over this.

    In all seriousness, he should be. This is outrages. It could have been “all Jews out” as well.

    Sick world.

  2. Did no one chap, they’re saying they don’t know who did it. It could even have been a customer who got a hold of the loudspeaker mic by a vacant desk. Hope they figure it out though. Shame on him!

  3. #6, What does imagine the uproar mean? This is an uproar, and had the situation been as you suggest, it would not be nearly as public.
    Anti Semitism is considered bad, luckily, in this country, but racism is taboo.

    #4, It can be treated hate, but I think there was an actual crime.

  4. Actually it was a dry run test for this summer’s planned public service announcement when on Friday afternoons Wal-Mart will be targeting Jewish shoppers over their public-address system to announce licht benching time and ordering them to leave the store and get ready for Shabbos.

  5. HaLeivi
    Well there are just a few more blacks than jews in America so I would expect a bigger uproar when Blacks are insulted.

  6. WellInformedYid; The logic should be the bigger uproar would be for the smaller and more easily targeted minority, in a country dedicated to ‘everyones’ freedom where the small ones do not get trampled under by the more powerful and larger groups.

  7. Treat this just as you would a black man announcing “all whites out”. They’re no suppressed minority no more and don’t have extra privileges, remember? we got a black in the highest office of this country!

  8. chas v’shalom s/y shud chas v’shalom happen like this again to any group of people or person! One should not post their posts w/o saying G-d forbid! Things like these should never happen again! amen!

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