Facebook Traffic Tops Google For The Week

Facebook topped Google to become the most visited U.S. Web site last week, indicating a shift in how Americans are searching for content.

Web analysis firm Experian Hitwise said Monday that the social networking site surpassed Google to take the No. 1 spot for the week ended March 13.

Facebook accounted for 7.07% of U.S. Web traffic that week, while Google received 7.03%. The study compared only the domains Facebook.com and Google.com — not, for example, Google-owned sites like Gmail.com.

Though the traffic levels were close, Facebook’s year-over-year growth far outpaced Google’s that week. The number of visitors to Facebook spiked 185% compared with the same period last year, while Google’s traffic climbed just 9%.

Google.com had been the No. 1 site each week since Sept. 15, 2007, when ironically it passed another social networking site, MySpace.com, in order to take the crown.

(READ MORE: http://money.cnn.com/)

12 Responses

  1. When i saw this on your 1st headline i thought i was looking at CNN or ABC or BBC.. clearly what does such a news item have to do with a “Yeshiva World”.. and as the Top headline too?


  2. bh i do not have a facecrook account. i call it that because the more personal info one puts up on the web, the more prone s/he is to identity theft, home break ins, stalkers etc.

    as a frum yid, i belive that we should all strive to keep our face in the book. the book that makes us better people and prepares us for the afterlife.
    after 120 the time we wasted on all other ‘books’ l mineihem will not do us good.
    so i agree with the others who feel that YWN should be leaders and not followers and report such ‘news’ through daas torah glasses . we as frum yidden should strive to waste as less time on the net that can be used for better purposes eg. torah learning, family time, spouse time etc.

  3. Jews do not have facebook pages?
    No Jews use face book or google?

    I always go to YWN through google.

    I think this article is relevent to the Jewish community.

    Not necessarily in such a direct way as in some legislation passed by the Knesset, but it still has relevence.

  4. But FB hasnt earned a penny unlilke google which has earned billions of dollars. Of course many suckers will pay billions for FB when they become a public company

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