Brooklyn – New York City Council candidate and education advocate David G. Greenfield announced he would turn down the remaining taxpayer dollars to fund his run for Simcha Felder’s former seat. Candidates who abide by the strict rules of the New York City Campaign Finance Board are eligible to receive matching public funds from the City. Greenfield determined he could run the rest of his campaign with the funds he has, while continuing to abide by the strict rules of the Campaign Finance Board.
“Although I qualified to receive thousands of additional public funds for my campaign, the needs of the City come first. It is only right to turn down the remaining funds with the hope that it can be better used by the taxpayers,” said Greenfield.
Greenfield ran a grassroots campaign that received small donations from over 350 people, with over 90% of his donations coming from City residents. Greenfield was set to receive over $5,000 in taxpayer funds this week. By turning it down, the money will be returned to the city treasury.
(YWN Desk – NYC)