NYPOST: Lazar Supporters Won’t Give Greenfield Supporters Food for Pesach

Things are getting down and dirty between candidates David Greenfield and Joe Lazar in the imminent 44th District City Council race.

The latest allegation comes from City Councilmember Lew Fidler, a Greenfield supporter, concerning the upcoming Passover holiday just days after the March 23 election.

“I’ve heard threats to withhold Passover food to the needy from those organizations whose leadership is aligned with Greenfield,” said Fidler. “I’m not blaming Joe Lazar, but there are people who get carried away and lose sight of what is appropriate or inappropriate.”

Fidler said he’s heard this from several organizations and it seems — to him — there is too much smoke about the allegation for there not to be a fire.

“We have not seen this kind of stuff since Tammany Hall when they gave a turkey to come to vote or a bag of coal to heat your house. I want to make it clear, I’m not accusing Joe Lazar or his campaign, but I feel that people that support him are out of control,” said Fidler.

Lazar campaign manager Gary Tilzer called the allegation ridiculous.

“These are the last-ditch desperate accusations of a quickly fading Greenfield campaign,” said Tilzer. “It is despicable that David Greenfield has sunk so low.”

The allegation comes as Mayor Bloomberg is expected to campaign with Greenfield this week in Bensonhurst and Borough Park.

Greenfield continues to have wide support from the Kings County Democratic Party and many local elected officials either in or surrounding the district.

Lazar has the strong support of Assemblymember Dov Hikind, Comptroller John Liu and many organizations in Borough Park.

(Source: http://www.nypost.com/)

24 Responses

  1. this story is 100% true. hikind & co told various organizations that if they back greenfield they won’t get food for the staff from th bp organizations.

    hikind terror must be stopped

  2. A perfect example of why I will be voting for David Greenfield.

    I’m sick of this behavior.

    And about that Tischler kid, it has been proven without a shadow of a doubt, that the Lazar campaign was behind the entire thing.

    In fact, we have the documents of the “four heimish women” who signed that paper….

  3. I originally did not believe this story but then “ferd” and “Classic 7” said it to be true so it must be. How can you give any credence to one claim more than the other? the facts are that one claimed they are withholding food while one claims they are not. Those are the facts. Do not let your biases play a part in who is right and who is wrong. Political races are heated and personal insults are usually a last resort for a campaign. I am not choosing sides, however, it does seem desperate. Do you really think a person would say to another person “withhold food from all the people supporting greenfield?” It is not Stalin we are speaking of.

  4. Can anyone explain what difference it makes who gets that office? I don’t recall anything of significance going on in the part couple of years. It seems like the main job is to sit and think how he can make his position sound necessary.

    The whole thing sounds to me like color war. The only difference is that the campers usually don’t take it that seriously.

  5. R’ Simcha Felder never did anything like this. Simcha was and will always be, a perfect gentleman, even in the rough and tumble life of politics. He is a man of high integrity. Chaval al d’ovdin vlo mishtakchin such people to run for office to represnt us.

  6. If anyone doesn’t believe it, just go ask BOYAN, KRASNA, OHR MOSHE, GAN YISROEL, MOSHLOW,

    Unfortunately and shockingly, its TRUE, these mosdos were threatened that they will not receive food before Pesach.

  7. YOU don’t know Dov Hikind when it comes to politics he might play hardball but when it comes to Yiddin and their needs THEY come first. HE would never withhold food c”v from the poor. To say this is not only Motzei Shem Ra on both Dov and Joe Lazar but it is pain and pushet “richilus”!

  8. STOP with tha lashon hara “game” already. I love when hikind the lowlife, who bashes rabbionim, skams the agudah, and belittles daas torah on his deplorable radio show, has the audacity to refer to ywn (without chas veshalom mentioning the name) as a “hate-blog”, and “stop with the lashon hara”.

    know something hikind?

    you have your radio show where noone had the oppurtunity to fight your bully-style tactics for years and years. now the party is over and we will fight you until your gone from politics. you can move to israel with all your olive trees, and settle into the west bank, grab a machine gun, and be the meir kahana you always wanted to be.

    this above story reported is not just true, it’s 100% true and accurate. ll the hikind and lazar suppiorters should know it is, and they should start snooping around with the appropiate askonim at various mosdos and hear first hand how they were threatened.

    chayos raaos mammish

  9. Mr. Well-Informed Yid, from what you said it seems you’re FAR from well-informed!! I’m appalled at your comment! Where in your mind was Hashem when you thought & wrote that?!? Shiviti Hashem leNegdi Tamid!

    to aries2756 – very nicely put. THANK YOU.

  10. Just wait until Hikind goes after YWN for their anti-Hikind campaigns. he will stop at noone in his way.

    Ask Simcha Felder, who lost an election to an animal, a violent man who has been arrested for assualt, and other arrests as well, Mr. Kevin Parker.

    Just to remind you all, Simcha was running for the Senate seat, and Hikkind came out swinging like a madman, and endorsed this drek over Felder, and Felder lost a few votes over it and lost the election.

    Felder. The man who worked for Hikind for years.
    Felder. The man who dedicated himself to the Frum community for years as our councilman.

    This man, lost an election because the Hikind machine was threatened that there would be a Frum person in politics in a higher officer than him in NYS.

  11. Again, this story must be true because now ” boro Parker” has verified the story. Really???? As long as you now verified it, it must be true. Sheker Gamur, you tell people to stop the lashon hora and go on a rampage against Mr. Hikind. It makes you seem very intelligent and rational. Please go to another site and do not ever come back. You sound like a fool. And number 7 please explain your relation to Mr. Hikind because you obviously know him. Here are maybe some things you did not know about him:He was responsible for bringing the allocation of $1.2 million in a project that helped to provide 120 closed-circuit television cameras to nine subway stations along the D, F, and N lines. B)In 2003, Hikind and a group of supporters protested Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ. C) He argued that Madame Tussauds Wax Museum should remove its wax statue of the Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat, claiming that he was a terrorist whose image should not be in New York. Maybe before you go on a diabolical hate-filled message, know the facts.

  12. random1, I can add more to your list. Condemning Ahmedinjad. Demanding the tapes from te LA Times showing Obama at a Palestinian event. Demanding an explanation from Hillary on why her stance regarding Israel changed since leaving the Senate. Voting against UN consruction because they’re pro-Palestinian. And it goes on and on. But you’re missing the point. This is not what we want. Those are very nice deeds and definitely great moves to make it into the media, but this doesn’t serve us. Hikind is out of touch when he says we should rather build Israel’s economy then ours and he’s even more out of touch in day to day operations. Can you tell me about even one piece of legislation he has passed in his 30 years tenture of representing us in the assembly?

    This is a typical move by Hikind & Co. This is how he always manipulates everything in his favor. He has a weapon and that is called ‘Grants’. I was so disgusted by this report that I decided I will IY”H volunteer for the Greenfield campaign. If they didn’t find anything they could use to highlight their candidate after working in the government for 40 years, is this how to act? What did they think/ Have you ever stepped into a government office?!

    And I didn’t verify this story, however the way Hikind does things’ this was to be expected and whom do you believe, a respected elected official or a campaign manager?

    Greenfield, do you have a friend that could run for Assembly 48th District? It’s time.

  13. Thank You YWN for telling R’ Dovid to stop submitting comments from multiple usernames. All my fellow commentators should have a Chag Kasher Vesameach!!

  14. I believe that in 30 years of office Dov has sponsored one piece of legistlation that means he has been paid millions of dollars per law i hope Lazar does not learn from him.

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