US Slams Rising Anti-Semitism Worldwide

“Traditional and new forms of anti-Semitism continued to arise, and a spike in such activity followed the Gaza conflict in the winter of 2008-2009,” the US State Department said in an annual report.

“Often despite official efforts to combat the problem, societal anti-Semitism persisted across Europe, South America, and beyond and manifested itself in classic forms,” it said.

Such incidents, it said, involved attacks on Jews or places of worship as well as desecration of cemeteries and accusations of undue Jewish influence on government policy and media.

“New forms of anti-Semitism took the form of criticism of Zionism or Israeli policy that crossed the line into demonising all Jews, and in some cases, translated into violence against Jewish individuals in general,” it said.

It accused some governments – like those in Iran and Egypt – of fuelling anti-Semitism rather than combating the scourge.

(Source: Daily Mail UK)

5 Responses

  1. Flatbush Bubby:
    Do you really need to wait and see to know what Obama’s attitude toward Jews and Israel is?
    I hate to be a prophet of doom, but all indications are, as Israel (b’ezrat HaSh-m) refuses to give in to the U.S. pressure re building freezes, withdrawals, etc. that Obama will get more and more frustrated at the failure of his “messianic” mission and will take it out on US.

  2. As long as we are in galus there will always be descendents of Amalek who will hate just to hate.

    Also many other antisemites hate because they are jealous of Jewish success and we must do everything we can to dispute their antisemitic lies.

    That however is only a symptom of the problem.
    The cause is the same cause that destroyed the Bais Hamikdash which was Sinnas Chinnom.

    When will we all make the necessary effort (I’m sure we make some effort, but apparantly H-sh-m has decided it is not nearly enough) to spread Ahavahs Chinnom.

    While being nice to your own family and fiends is a good start, that is NOT (from what I remember learning in yeshivah) Ahavahs Chinnom.

    Ahavas Chinnom is going out of your way to be friends with the person everyone else makes fun of saying Loshon Hara about them.

    The one who people would also be made fun of for being friends with the othe rone they want to make fun of.

    Further it be not just making friends but helping them better their lives by for example helping them get a job with a future, and finding a way to help them get trained or if you have a business hiring them and training them and not syaing “I want someone experienced and I’d rather take an experienced non Jew, then to help a fellow Jew”.

    It owuld be training your kid to stand up for those the other kids make fun of and not being friends with any bullies.

    Only when we all do this will Moshiach come and end the galus and stop the persecution by the antisemittin.

  3. #3 – All your thoughts and suggestions are excellent and very worthwhile to implement, but don’t forget that plain and simple, the Torah teaches us that Aisav soneh et Ya’akov.
    They hate us when we are NOT successful because we are parasites.
    They hate us when we ARE successful because we control the media, the banks, the government, etc., etc., etc.
    They hate us because we are socialists.
    They hate us because we are capitalists
    They hate us because we are communists.
    They hate us because we are nazis.
    They hate us because we should go back to where we came from (i.e. TO Israel).
    They hate us because we should go back to where we came from (i.e. FROM Israel TO Europe).
    –As Rabbi Kahane ztzvk”l used to say, who cares why they hate us, we have nothing to apologize to the world for. We just have keep our Torah HaKedosha, be proud Jews, and take care of OUR interests!

  4. Perhaps the US should take a hard look at its role in the increase in Anti-Semitism with its continued harsh criticism of Israel. I wonder how may civilians the US killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan vs. the number of civilians killed by Israel in Cast Lead. Perhaps the British would release the count of their “collateral damage” as well.

  5. #4 You are totally correct in everything you say.

    My point is that if we actually increase our chessed and show the necessary amount and level of Ahavah Chinnom, Moshiach would be here and
    “Aisav” would have no power to harm us anymore, ever again.

    They might still hate, but all they would be able to do is stew in their own hatred and misery, kind of like a lion at the Zoo.

    It can roar and growl and run in circles, but that just provides entertainment, for the people who come to see it.

    As it believe it says in Pirkey Avos “Do H-sh-ms will as if it were yoru will, and H-sh-m will do your will as if it were his will”.

    If we serve H-sh-m properly, he will take care of “Aisav” for us, permanently.

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