NYC Comptroller John C. Liu Says Joe Lazar Is Best Candidate For City Council Race

City Comptroller John C. Liu endorsed Joe Lazar today in the Special Election for Brooklyn’s 44th Councilmanic District.

Comptroller Liu praised Joe Lazar for his fiscal expertise and integrity. “We need leaders in the City Council who will represent the concerns and interests of the community during this economic downturn. For many years this community has been well represented and the tradition must continue. And Joe Lazar is the best person for the job,” said Liu. “Joe shares my commitment to ensuring that in this time of such fiscal austerity, government must be more resilient – and creative – to rise to the challenge of doing so much more with so much less.  With his budget experience, Joe will know where to find the waste in City government and how best to save resources for New York City taxpayers. I look forward to working closely with Joe as my colleague in government to serve our community with integrity and pride.”

“I am deeply honored to receive the endorsement of our great City Comptroller, John Liu,” said Joe Lazar. “John’s historic victory confirms for me the great opportunities this City affords to immigrants who work and live in our neighborhoods and those just arriving to the City. The people of New York City put their trust in Comptroller Liu last November to lead us through these challenging times. I am proud that John believes I will be a strong ally in the fight to protect our community’s essential services.”

“For many years, I have had the privilege of working with immigrants and new Americans and witnessed firsthand what can be accomplished when we work together with our common interests and values,” Lazar continued.  “I, like the Comptroller, believe that education is a key to our children’s success, which is why I have supported bi-lingual education and ESL programs to help immigrant children and adults get on the right track to attaining their American dream. I look forward to working with John to strengthening these programs in the City Council.”

11 Responses

  1. Bravo YWN! On fair & honest reporting!
    I was informed by comments on another News Site that Bobov in fact has also come out with a strong endorsement for Joe Lazar.

  2. YWN: why is it that the rest of the Media Oilam posted this press release before 6PM and you didn’t post it till much later? You call this fair reporting? Everybody knows that your backing the other candidate. It’s really to bad. YWN used to be my homepage. But I don’t trust you anymore. And I pass this on to other ppl. This is not Loshon Hora. It’s Lehosir Michshol. You lost your credibility as a fair reporter.

  3. #5- Why is it that we didn’t hear you moaning when YWN was being anti-Obama in the presidential election????!!!!

    Get off my phone , you two-facer!

    And since when does YWN need to consult with you about when and how they post articles? And what was wrong with them leaving it as a headline for close to 3 hours?

    Stop being a drone.

    If anyone is a phony, it’s you.

  4. Ishbainanoshim:
    Other websites are very strongly anti Greenfield and pro Lazar. They will only post anti Greenfield news and don’t even get me started on the comments. They either have the dumbest readership or they basically allow 15 anti Greenfield comments for every pro Greenfield comment they let through. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Lazar campaign has people posting on those sites. While I don’t think Greenfield will win, I think he will be the best replacement of Felder and if anything he will be better. He is a fighter and doesn’t back down. He doesn’t allow anyone to control him or boss him around. We need strong politicians with the right ideas and that is Greenfield in this campaign. He also has Torah Hashkafos as opposed to the “other” candidate.

  5. you mean your heinous, the king controller of New York. I think we must stand up for this royalty that is demanded. Liu is like Haman who demands that we bow down to him.

    At least this is what was reported to us last month.

    Nebach on all of us. When voting for a candidate look at who the influences are and who the frinds are.

    Greenfield seems to be circling himself with better influence.

    The fact that Bloomberg is backing Greenfield mean he is independant thinker and Joe is not.

    I am sure YWN will get blasted for putting my opinion up but YWN is fair to both sides when it comes to the back and forth!

  6. I would back neither Joe Lazar nor Greenfield. John Liu is endorsed by the Workers Families Party which is an offshoot of the Communist Party of America. Greenfield is just another tax and spend liberal.

    It is too bad there is no Republican, conservative candidate.

  7. Number 7: for the exact reason you stated is the reason I will not be voting for greenfield. ” He doesn’t allow anyone to control him.” This is not “his” seat, this is the peoples seat. He is merely a representative of us. If he cannot take direction then electing him is pointless. I am sure david patterson does not either let anyone boss him around which is why he is so embattled as governor. Oh, did you ever hear of a man named barack obama?! He shares the same “quality” you mentioned. These people live by the saying ” a bigot thinks he is right, I know I am right.” Lamnatzeach mizmor ledovid

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