Limbaugh: I’ll Leave US If Health Care Reform Passes

Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show that he will eventually leave the country if the health care bill passes and its provisions are implemented.

Liberal media watchdog Media Matters recorded Limbaugh’s comments, Limbaugh says the following: “I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.”

It is not clear if Limbaugh was making a joke, if he was saying he would leaving the country permanently, or if he was saying he would leave just for health care.

The radio host was responding to a caller who asked, “If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself?”


34 Responses

  1. It’s obvious from the conversation that Rush was talking about where he would go for health care, ‘not’ where he would go to live.

    He said today on his show that he would go somewhere else just for health treatment and still ‘live’ in the US.

    This article is mere sensationalism.

  2. Once again CBSOBAMA News only reports a snipet of the whole story.

    He was referring to getting his healthcare outside the USSA so as not to be treated under ObamaCare. Furthermore he was referring to health insurance companies setting up clinics & hospitals outside the USSA with good doctors so they could make money (something Obama is against companies making – PROFIT).

  3. Please I don’t buy this baloney. The US has many good Doctors, if health care passes these Dr.’s will still be in America. So they will be available. What’s the problem?

  4. once they get a paid salary the doctors will go to were ever they will be getting a better salary which will probably not be in the USA

  5. Well said 12, but as he said many times his last check will be to the IRS and he’ll make sure it bounces 😉

  6. Just like a those dems who said they were going to move to Canada if bush got elected for a second term. not a single one has left yet.

  7. 8, they will possibly be avaiable however it seems the bill says if you are denied coverage by the obama, you might as well get fitted with tachrichim.

  8. 14, thank you. rush will sometimes say that he will point out absurdity buy being absurd.

    in this case he had a call from some insurance company workers who told him about the costa rica thing.

    folks, if you want to blow off about Rush, you have to listen to understand the WHOLE thing.

  9. Cool! Another reason to fight for Health Care Reform.

    Oh, and to #14, I can’t tell you how many people said they were selling their homes and moving to Israel if Obama was elected. I’m still waiting….So far not one that I know of. Too bad for us in the US.

    But back to the topic at hand, Limbaugh’s promise. Thanks, Rush! You’ve inspired me to work harder and give more to organizations fighting for health care reform. I never thought I’d be inspired by him, of all people!

  10. Sickandtired, I know a whole lot of people who have moved to Israel as a result of Obama’s election including my parents mechutanim. So, that takes care of your theory.

    Mr. YWEditor, don’t you have a better source of the news than Media Matters? Mr. Levin, does Media Matters ever report anything I blog onto this website?

  11. With all good intentions to the above comments, when you hear the amount of pages in this bill, a very small amount actually read it in its’ entire.
    Did you hear the spokeswoman Pelosi say today just sign and then you can read what it says!
    By Matan Torah we said Naaseh V’Nishma.
    The health bill is not the Torah!
    To tell the truth, we have a health care plan. When people in our shoes have such as a hip replacement, the rehab is minimal and usually to not a place of choice, it’s where our insurance is accepted. Speak to someone who is on a government funded insurance and wow when you see how much rehab they receive and to what posh places.
    So Chevra if you have such as Medicaid, be happy that you have taxpayers as us that pay for it.
    Don’t go for the new thing. It will be taking more from us and giving you less.
    If your tooth hurts, they’ll yank it out, if your head hurts they may chop it off, etc.!!
    Now you understand why Limbaugh will go elsewhere for health issues!

  12. sickandtired what do you mean another reason to fight for health care reform.
    Did you read my first comment?
    Rush said he is only going to outsource his health care, not move out.

    Besides what reforms do you really expect?
    Do you think it will just all be free and no one has to pay for anything?

    It all costs and when the budget is overrun they wil start cutting those services you think you will get.

    Women die at higher rates in England because they have no budget for breast cancer screening.

  13. Simple solution,
    1. Crackdown on what insurance companies can charge customers.
    2. Crackdown on Hospitals billing insurance companies $100,000 for a few days treatment post op…the whole system is corrupted. Hospitals charge ridiculous amounts. And insurance companies give them a fraction of that amount and anyone who has no insurance actually has to pay that inflated amount that nobody ever expected to pay/be paid.
    3. Crack down on how much you can sue for malpractice.

  14. #23 WellInformedYid

    RE: Your first point; It is unconstitutional to tell businesses what they may or may not charge for their services and if you artificially lower the price they will just go out of business and all you will have left is government run health care which will be as bad as it already is everywhere it’s been tried.

    RE: Second point; Hospitals charge so much becaus eof corrupt government regulations that punish private sector shopping for doctors and they rely on the deep pockets of taxpayers forced to cover medicaid and other tax payer funded influxes of cash, at gunpoint.
    Also the corrupt unions take plenty.

    RE: Third point; “cracking down on how much one can get in lawsuits simply guarantees that the frivolous cases will continue with lower amounts and still clog the court system legitimate cases
    will not win the awards they deserve and need.

    Tort reform needs to mean throwing out the bad cases, ‘not saying’; “You may still help ruin this doctors reputation but for less of a pash payput”.

  15. #24 Rush is a good friend of the Jews and on the right side of almost every issue (except that Dubai Ports, garbage).

    You really hate freedom and the truth, that much?

  16. #26
    I just hate overweight druggies who vilify anybody who disagrees with them.
    Pharoah was also a friend to the Jews initially and look what happened

  17. 27, do you even know what he weighs or are you a typical socialist don’t confuse my argument with actual facts democrat? Its painfully OBVIOUS you DON’T know about the diet he’s been on & quite successfully I might add. Its also painfully OBVIOUS you DON’T know that he has probably been cleaner than you since rehab.

  18. #27, don’t forget mentally ill. Because either he’s mentally ill or he’s pure evil. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he’s mentally ill. I’m just generous that way.

  19. #27 You just described Michael Moore, but I never see you post anything against him.

    #29 That is nothing more then an Ad Hymonym attack with no truth to it whatsoever.

    But liberals love to name call and then pretend they provided “factual evidence”.

    Liberalism is all about hypocrisy.

  20. 29, someone with your name should NOT be calling someone else mentally ill. face it, you are listening to the drive by media, in this case its CBSOBAMA NEWS with the help of YWN.

  21. #30 – What does Michael Moore have to do with Limbaugh’s promise? Am I missing something? Are they a couple now?

    You don’t like name calling? What would “Liberalism is all about hypocrisy” be? A compliment?

    Anyway, what do you care of somebody doesn’t like Rush Limbaugh? Lots of people can’t stand him and would be happy to see him go. Not hard to find people who agree.

  22. #32 I did not ‘say’ Moore had anything to do with what Rush said (and it was ‘not’ a ‘promose’ nor did it have anything to do with him going to some other country to live so what does a ‘one way ticket’ that moose said he’d pay for in comment #24, have to do with it?

    And calling someone mentally ill (unless it is by a qualified psychiatrist who has properly examined the person in question and how has no personal biases toward that person or any group he might be part of) is name calling.
    Talking about the obvious hypocrisy inherent and always on display in liberal posts is
    discussing the issues.

    Lying about someone being fat who is not fat is obvious name calling and attacking someone who once was on drugs and is not now, and singling that person out for attack when the whole liberal crowd (including the Hollywood elites and Obama himself) are all drug addicts is the height of hypocrisy.

    And most of the same ones who hate Rush, hate Jews.

    In fact every antisemite is a liberal, there is no such a thing as a conservative antisemite.

    And before anyone throws out names of so called conservatives like “Pat Buchanon” for example, i will tell yiou right now they are not conservatives.

    Buchanon is a big union supporter and hater of capitalism, that is far from conservative.

    He also supports the terrorists over America.
    He would claim otherwise, but iof you look at his record of who and what he supported in his life he was agaisnt us stopping the terrorists in Iraq and made all kind of excuses why they should prevail againt Israel.

  23. I forgot to finish my point about Michael Moore.

    Rush was called a fat drug addict who hates anyone who disagrees with him.

    So I said that describes Moore perfectly.

    But liberal hypocrisy means More will be loves by those who make such statements about Rush because liberalism is all about hypocrisy and it is undeniable, it is way too obvious and there for everyone to see.

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