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Paterson: I’m Not Talking About The Case

A governor desperate to show he’s still in charge held a budget forum in Brooklyn on Monday, but two scandals that threaten his job are bumps in the road.

David Paterson is struggling to get back to business.

The governor was looking for a return to normalcy and he seemed thrilled — and probably a little surprised by the reception.

But after answering questions for constituents and local politicians for about an hour he walked down the steps of Borough Hall to face the reality of his life — more questions about the two scandals that embroil him, threaten his job and caused him to hire a noted criminal defense attorney.

“I met with my lawyer Saturday,” Paterson said.

Paterson disclosed the first advice legal mastermind ted wells gave him.

“My lawyer has advised me not to discuss the facts of the case,” Paterson said.

That begs the question why?

“None of the other witnesses in the case have talked to the press. There are leaks but nobody knows how accurate they are, and I don’t want to add to a difficult situation. I want the committee to come back with a finding of no fault on my part and I’m not going to do anything to antagonize them in the interim,” Paterson said.

It was unclear whether Paterson was talking about Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s probe of state police involvement in a domestic abuse case involving top aide David Johnson, the finding by the State Commission on Public Integrity that he lied under oath about getting free Yankees tickets, or both.

In any case he insisted his legal woes won’t get in the way of his gubernatorial duties.

“Everybody has outside issues that are going on and that should not, ah, come in to be a distraction when you’re trying to balance the budget and do what’s right for the people of the state of New York,” Paterson said.


One Response

  1. Patterson just gave 500,000 to Hikind. Where is that money going to be spent?

    Is it another “trickle down” effect like the other tens of millions that the Lazar/Hikind team claim they brought to the community?

    And why is Lazar running his campaign from 1310 -48 street, the address of Dov’s taxpayer paid office?

    Patterson/Hikind/ Lazar? NO way!

    Go Dovid Greenfield, bring US the money, not the machers

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