UPDATED: Shomrim Conducting Search For Missing Person In NW London

[THE MISSING PERSON HAS BEEN FOUND] A young man went missing from Kisharon Day School on Monday. He responds to the name [name has since been removed], and went missing at 2pm today. He has severe autism and has no road sense or sense of fear. He is 18 years old, 5 ft 8 in height, Chassidishe in appearance [long curly Peyos] and is wearing black trousers, a black jumper, white shirt and a black yarmulke.

He was last seen at 2:00PM at Kisharon Finchley Road.

If seen Please call Shomrim North West London at 0300 999 1234 or Kisharon 0208 731 7009 ASAP

Shomrim thanks the more than 150 volunteers who helped with the search including Shomrim Stamford Hill, and the North West London Police liaison officer’s.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. B’H he has been found safe and well and is now on his way home. thanks to all the hundreds of calls from the public offering help.
    Shomrim NWCP

  2. “He responds to the name [name has since been removed]”. Why was it removed? Having it written up would’ve made it easier to find him.

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